Thursday, December 30, 2010

5 months?! Really?!

Can't believe that it's been so long since I posted here. My life has been incredibly busy, but 5 months?! Time goes by faster and faster the older I get. Why is that?

I'm getting used to not having enough hours day. I actually surrendered to it during this holiday season. What else could I do? No amount of trying to be efficient with my time by working on my laptop while on the way to and from work ever got me caught up. During the last couple weeks before my Christmas break, there were a few days that I was operating with less than 4 hours of sleep banked - not good.

I've learned to let some of the little things go and I'm starting to get rid of STUFF. Time to get my house in order - both figuratively and literally.

I feel some New Year's resolutions coming on...stay posted!