Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Act Your Age!

So, what does that mean to someone who is about to hit the half century mark?

I was told over the weekend that I am acting and dressing too old for my age. Hmmm. Really? Granted, I was told this by a sales associate at the Gap who was trying to sell me “skinny” jeans. She said this to me after I told her that I didn’t think that Gap was making clothing for women my age anymore. This opened a real can of worms!

The sales associate (her name was Charlotte) was a sassy, middle-aged woman of color. (I mean ‘sassy’ in a good way). She looked at me and said, “Girl, just how old are you? I bet I’m older than you and look at me - everything I’m wearing except for my shoes - I bought here!” It turns out that she is 54.  She was a full figured gal, even more so than me, and was wearing black Gap jeans and a nice blouse. She turned me around and looked at my backside (I told you she was sassy!) and went on and on about how I should be wearing more form fitting clothes. When I told her that I will be 50 in a couple of months and was too old and heavy for ‘skinny’ jeans she laughed and told me that I was too young to be dressing in loose-fitting clothes. She went on and on until I tried on some ‘curvy’ jeans and some ‘skinny’ jeans.  She made me laugh, but she also made me think.

I have been acting like a grown up since long before I actually was one. I am the eldest of my siblings and was often left ‘in charge’ of them and the house from the time I was 12 years old – this is something that I took very seriously. I didn’t quite learn to let my hair down in college – I was even an RA (at Ball State the RAs were called Student Staff).  In my work life, I have been working with older adults since 1994. I have never felt more comfortable than I do working with this population. Maybe I am an old soul.

As for my fashion sense, well, I really don’t have any. I have always been fairly conservative with my clothing - pretty much a Plain Jane. It’s hard to get me out of my turtleneck sweaters and scarves – my comfort zone. If I ever do have a midlife crisis, maybe I will take Charlotte’s advice and start wearing some more form fitting clothing. I did tell her that I would go back and see her in April for my birthday and let her help me dress up a bit. But geez, it’s not like I dress in burlap bags or muumuus.

For the record, I did leave the Gap with a bag. Nope, I didn’t buy the jeans – neither curvy nor skinny. I do have a very lovely new scarf, though!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

There she goes again!

Looking smart and sassy pre-interview!

The week passed by in a flash! Mandi flew from NYC to SFO a week ago last Friday to interview at and tour prospective Physical Therapy schools here on the west coast. She would rather I not disclose where she interviewed and what her prospects are at this point. I think maybe she is afraid that we might jinx  it. As soon as she gives me the high sign I will let you know where she is going to spend the next 3 years of her life! Anyway, having completed her last interview yesterday, she was off to NYC this morning and will be back to work tomorrow. She got here - I blinked - and she was gone again!

It amazes me how at ease my girls are about hopping on a plane and traveling to the four corners of the Earth. They are absolutely fearless. Beckie had her passport when she was 15 or 16 years old and jb and Mandi got theirs soon after. I didn't get my passport til I was in my 40's. My not so exotic out of country  adventures have been to Mexico and Canada - hardly worth a stamp in my passport. The Beeson Gals have travelled to Europe (jb), Australia (Bec), Honduras (Mandi), South Africa (Bec), and repeatedly back and forth across the US. Amazing.

So, as Mandi flies back across the country I hope you will join me in wishing her a safe flight and good luck as she begins to consider her options for graduate school.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I forgot to mention that to celebrate Ron's big birthday, we got tickets to see The Immortal World Tour at the Oracle Arena last Tuesday night. This is a touring Cirque du Soleil show based on the music of Michael Jackson. It's only the second Cirque show that we've seen, but I assumed that since it is a touring show that it would have to do with a lot less of the fabulous stunts that make a Cirque show so amazing. Since the only other Cirque show that we've seen is Love I couldn't tell you if that is true. I will say that this show would not have had the emotional impact without Michael Jackson's music.

Regardless of MJ's eccentricities and whether or not he did any of the things he was accused of over the years, for me it is indisputable that his music was groundbreaking and will absolutely stand the test of time. The performers in this show had to be able to dance. None of them displayed MJ's dancing ability, but their acrobatic talents were amazing nonetheless. There were a couple technical glitches along the way, but with a show as complex as this was, I wasn't surprised. There were a couple of numbers that fell flat in the beginning, but as the show went on the costumes were more elaborate and the acrobatics and aerial stunts more spectacular. The crowd in Oakland was very appreciative of all aspects of the show, but seemed most moved by the music and the Michael's appearance through film clips. Huge cheers erupted whenever Michael's film clips were shown.

 It was a very satisfying show all in all, and I am hoping that it finds a permanent home in Las Vegas at one of the hotels just as so many other Cirque du Soleil shows have. If it does, you can be sure that Ron and I will go back to see it again - trust me when I tell you that as expensive as the tickets are for these shows - that is saying a lot!

3 more movies...

I really don't like being a week behind with these reviews, but my life being what it is these days...busy, busy, busy...well, that's just the way it is. So here are my thoughts on 3 more movies.

I have been wanting to see this movie since Christmas. You know how I love films that are based on true stories...well, I loved this one, too. Matt Damon is Benjamin Mee, the widowed dad of two kids who are struggling to make sense of their lives after the mom passes away. Benjamin is especially having trouble with his 14 year old son Dylan who is acting out in many different ways to get his dad's attention. He is avoiding dealing with his own grief so he can't bear to deal with his son's. His solution is a brand new start in a brand new house. He finds the perfect house that just happens to be connected to a zoo. His 6 year old daughter Rosie falls in love with the animals so he decides that they could all be happy there...it's pretty predictable what happens next, but I didn't mind that at all. It is a very sentimental story, but there are some fairly funny scenes in it as well. I do like the older more mature Matt Damon. Scarlett Johanssen was inconsequential here, but the shining star for me was Miss Maggie Elizabeth Jones who played the daughter, Rosie. She was just precious!

Bottom line: Good movie - go see it, but take some tissues!

Ms. Meryl Streep...how do I love thee...let me count the ways...Out of Africa...Postcards from the Edge....The Bridges of Madison County...Marvin's Room...The Prairie Home Companion...The Devil Wears Prada...Mama Mia!...Julie & Julia...and now, The Iron Lady. She has been in many other films, but these are some of my favorites. It is amazing how completely she becomes the character she is playing - more so than any other actress I know. That's why she is my favorite.

 Watching this film was like having a history lesson, but taught in the most interesting way. The story is told through a series of flashbacks as the aging Margaret Thatcher deals with hallucinations of her dead husband. It's never said that she suffers from Alzheimer's Disease, but it is obvious that she is dealing with some form of dementia. Very sad.

It is no surprise that Ms. Meryl has won the Golden Globe for Best Actress this year. I expect that she will also get a Screen Actor's Guild award and the Oscar. We shall see. Until then, you should definitely go see this movie!

Finally, we saw Moneyball last weekend as well. I am not a big fan of baseball (sorry, Deb), but I do LOVE baseball movies. Well, I love baseball movies that show some baseball. This movie was about the behind the scenes politics and money deals that go along with professional sports. It was interesting because it was about the Oakland A's specifically (my house is just 10 minutes away from the Oakland Coliseum).

Brad Pitt was fine in this movie and general it was ok. I didn't love it but as I said before - it was interesting. I'm glad that we didn't run out to see it when it was in the theater - we watched it on pay-per-view.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy Birthday, Twinkies!

Happy Birthday, Mandi and Beckie! 

My twin daughters turned 24 years old today! I know you are thinking that I couldn’t possibly be old enough to have children that old (yeah, right!) but the fact is that it’s true. It is also true that it’s an ongoing challenge to be the mother of independent adult children.  After repeated missteps, I have learned to listen rather than lecture and when I am asked for advice, I measure my words carefully.

Rather than bore you again by telling you how proud I am of these amazing young women, I thought I would share some of my favorite photos of them through the years and hope they won’t be too upset with me! Enjoy!

6 months old

2 yrs old
4 yrs old
14 yrs old
15 yrs old
16 yrs old
18 yrs old

19 yrs old

23 years old
I'm sure you noticed that the photos jumped from age 4 to 15. I haven't scanned all the pictures from their childhood yet - and I'm sure they are grateful for that! It's harder to photograph them together these days with Mandi living in New York and Beckie living in California. I could keep adding pictures, but then I wouldn't get this posted on the 20th. Happy birthday, my girlie girls! I love you!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

graffiti with punctuation?

Ron and I were watching a movie the other day and there was a line in it that I can't seem to get out of my head. One of the characters was speaking in a disparaging way about blogging. I'm paraphrasing but he said something like "blogging is just graffiti with punctuation"! Hmmpf! I was immediately offended. Here is the definition of graffiti from dictionary.com -


 [gruh-fee-tee]  Show IPA
plural of graffito.
used with a plural verb markings, as initials, slogans, ordrawings, written, spray-painted, or sketched on a sidewalk,wall of a building or public restroom, or the like: These graffiti are evidence of the neighborhood's decline.

I haven't been blogging for very long, but I do enjoy it and would hate to think that there is anything negative about it. I have tried to keep a journal for years. I have many (probably over 20) beautiful journals in many different colors and covers that I bought or was given. None of them are blank. None of them are filled. Most of them have as many as 20 pages written on with my thoughts or poems or just phrases of ideas. For whatever reason, I would get busy or never found a good time to sit and write in the journal. Blogging is easier for me because it's truly easier on my hands to type on my laptop rather than write in a journal. The fact that I post the things I've written - well, I guess that's the graffiti part. 

When I was in high school and college (seems like hundreds of years ago), one of my faraway dreams was to be a published writer. I wanted to write great works of fiction that would move people to tears or epic poetry that would inspire people. I have considered children's literature. I even thought that I might write the story of my life someday. Unfortunately, the more I read - because I used to read voraciously - the more insecure I would feel about my writing. I never thought what I wrote would measure up to great works of literature. So I stopped trying.

Then along came my children. When my eldest daughter, jb, moved to Washington, DC, she started blogging - it was called "jb in dc" and I loved it. It was a great way for her to communicate with the family without having to write to us individually. I started encouraging Beckie, the writer of my girls, to start a blog as well. She hemmed and hawed about it for a long time then challenged me to start blogging. She said that she would do it if I did it. Hmmm. What an interesting idea...

So here it is a little more than 2 years since my first blog post. I have no delusions that anything written here in my silly little blog will ever be considered great writing. I write my thoughts, my movie reviews and my observations about my life and the world and put them OUT THERE. I guess that is something like graffiti. Now that I'm older I have less insecurities about people reading what I write. I will never write anything here that I wouldn't say out loud in a room full of people - if you have been in that room with me you know firsthand that I talk a lot! 

I will end this particular rant by saying that personally I like graffiti (as long as it's colorful and without profanity). I photograph it whenever I have the chance...here are a couple of works of art that I saw in NYC on our recent trip. Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mid Month Movie Review

Well. It’s almost the middle of the month, but it occurred to me the other day that I haven’t written anything about the movies I’ve seen recently. I have a few excuses for this…

  1. It was a rough holiday season for me. I caught a terrible cold and am only now back to normal (maybe not normal, but as least not sick).
  2. My days and weekends have been so busy. When I have time to write I sometimes just fall asleep.
  3. Lastly, I have recently gotten sucked into the world of Words With Friends and have had as many as 8 games going at one time. It’s quite time consuming and takes quite a bit of brain power.
However, I do have some movie recommendations for you…

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo – I saw the original version of this movie last year (in Swedish with subtitles). Even though it had some pretty difficult subject matter and some very brutally violent scenes, the story telling was pretty good. The “girl” was tough and took care of business. GIRL POWER, Baby! The original was a little slow in spots, but this new version was quicker and slicker. American movie making is better than it’s foreign counterpart, in my opinion. Mara Rooney was good, but I think Noomi Rapace from the original was better – she had more rough edges that suited the story much better. I did enjoy the movie and recommend it as long as you remember that it is pretty violent.

Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol – Recently, I have not been a big fan of Tom Cruise. His couch - jumping silliness and then his nastiness towards Brooke Shields and Matt Lauer a couple years ago really turned me off. However, his religion and his personality aside, he is a good actor. I was drawn to this movie by the previews – seeing him doing amazing stunts on the top of what seems to be the tallest building in the world in Dubai. The story is good stuff and reminded me a lot of the original MI movie and even the TV series back in the old days. I loved the TV series! Anyway, this movie was exciting, clever and fun to watch.Also in this film is Jeremy Renner - a great actor who is going to be someone to watch for a long time.

Young Adult – Charlize Theron plays an emotionally stunted and probably alcoholic 30-something-ish woman named Mavis who is still pining for her high school boyfriend. She is completely self-centered in her motivations as she goes back to her home town to try to rekindle her relationship with her old boyfriend even though he is happily married and a first time father. It’s hard to watch her as she self destructs at the new baby’s naming ceremony. Charlize is fantastic, but even better Patton Oswalt who plays a disabled high school acquaintance who tries to help her see reason and reality. This movie is funny at times and even though Mavis is horrible, I couldn’t help feeling sorry for her and hoping that she would have an awakening (she almost does). It was quite entertaining and I do recommend this movie – she will probably be nominated for an Oscar.

Sherlock Homes: A Games of Shadows - Robert Downey, Jr. is an exceptional actor. He is excellent as the iconic Sherlock Holmes. In this installment of the series ( I can't imagine that there will be less than 4 of these films), he meets Professor Moriarty and goes up against him with the help of Dr. Watson. Director Guy Ritchie does an amazing job with incredible slow motion effects. The movie is clever, funny and suspenseful - Robert Downey, Jr. does a fantastic British accent and his delivery of his lines is perfect. I recommend this movie wholeheartedly. 

Contagion - This movie was on pay-per-view and we watched it last weekend. I predict that if you weren't germophobic before seeing this movie, you will be afterwards! This story follows and outbreak of an unknown virus and tracks how quickly it can cause a global contagion. Very scary but it's a good film. Don't forget to wash your hands!

So that's it for now...but the weekend is almost here and there are so many movies we haven't seen yet...see ya at the movies!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Half a Century

Baby Ronnie at 1 year old
The love of my life and my very best friend is 50 years old today. Ron is not one for big celebrations even for a milestone as big as this. The truth is he is not fond of celebrating his birthdays at all (except for the part with the cake!) He's not happy about getting older, but I keep reminding him that the best part of our lives is still ahead of us.

Is it any wonder that it was love at first sight for me?
As "Schroeder" in "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown!" 
Senior photo - 1979
Engaged at 20
Married at 21


As you can see, we started out much thinner and we both had more hair. We met 32 years ago and have been through our share of ups and downs, good and bad, even sickness and health. But here we are all these years later and I am thrilled to wish my wonderful husband a very happy 50th birthday! I look forward to each and every milestone that we will continue to share as the years go on....

Saturday, January 7, 2012

5 Rules

I was just looking through an online catalog and found this photo of a paperweight. I am not going to buy the paperweight, but I do buy what it says. How absolutely perfect are these 5 rules?! I have just this moment decided that instead of New Year's resolutions, I am going to try to follow these 5 rules. Let's see how I can incorporate them into my life....

1. Free your heart from hatred. I am proud to say that I don't hate anyone, but there are a few people in my everyday life that really irritate me or that I don't enjoy very much. I had already decided to try to adjust my attitude towards these individuals so I will definitely focus my efforts here.

2. Free your mind from worries. OK. This is going to be a real challenge for me because worrying is one of the things that I am REALLY good at! I think part of it is comes from being a mother but I also believe that I was born with a big "worry wart"on my soul. However, as I get older I do think it's a bit easier to let things go. For instance, although two of my children are living over 3,000 miles away from me and I don't know what goes on with them on a day to day basis, I am able to sleep at night and function in my daily life. That wouldn't have always been the case with me. I will keep working on this.

3. Live simply. This can mean so many things, but I am going to start with trying to downsize. I was really inspired by jb, Causten and Mandi and how minimally, yet beautifully they live in their small New York apartment. This will take some work. I have always been a "pack rat." I am a shameful collector of things and I go through phases of collecting specific things - books, fabric, teddy bears, cows, angels, Santas, Christmas trees and decorations and now bees. Throwing things away or giving thing away is very difficult for me because I am always sure that I'm going to need that "thing" someday. One way that I am working on this is to cut back on being such shameful consumer. I am also going to do some serious donating this year. Stay tuned.

4. Give more. There are so many ways this can be done and so many ways that I already do this - I have to  be very careful not to wear myself out. I do have some ideas about this rule and I will let you know how I do here.

5. Expect less. Hmmmmmmm. I have to think about what this means to me. What do I expect and from whom do I expect it? I expect A LOT of myself and don't really want to change that. Otherwise, this is going to require some serious thought.

So there you go. I have traded New Year's resolutions for 5 Simple Rules for Happiness. I am going to type them out and keep a copy at work where I can see it every day. I will also put a copy on the fridge.

 I feel really good about this.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hairdresser in residence

There are a lot of things that you don't know about me. That may seem hard to believe given how much I seem to blab about myself, but it's true. For instance, I bet you didn't know that I am a non-professional barber. I say "non-professional" because I never went to barber school, but I have been giving Ron his haircuts for about 2 years now.

OK, so there's not that much hair to deal with there, but it does have to be cut evenly. I am very grateful for my electric clippers with the attachments that keep me from making a mess of his remaining locks. I admit that in the beginning I was really nervous about cutting his hair, but he is the one that convinced me that I could do it.

Against the warnings and advice of my friend Denise (a REAL board-certified hairstylist), I have been trimming my own hair for a long time - just a little here and there in between my real haircuts. Denise always knows when I have been hacking away at my own hair and it doesn't make her happy.The only reason I have gotten away with it is because my curly hair hides any uneven cuts I may have made.

So, even though I think my husband looks great after I give him a haircut, remember - it's not professionally done. If you see him out and about and happen to notice a stray hair, please let me know so that I can fix it. He doesn't have the curly hair that will hide my mistakes.
He's so cute! And a good sport, too!

Monday, January 2, 2012

I Hereby Resolve....

I was giving myself plenty of time to decide what my resolutions would be for the year 2012, but here it is the end of the 2nd day of the year. I reviewed my resolutions for the previous two years. As it turns out, I wrote them down and then didn't keep them either year. Absolutely shameful!

So here is what I have decided. This year I am keeping my resolutions to myself. Making them public didn't help my resolve to keep them so maybe if I keep them private I will do better. Or maybe I won't make any resolutions at all...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Movies 2011

Happy New Year!

It won't be long until the nominations come out for the Oscars. While I'm waiting, it's time to review my list for Movies 2011. I am surprised to have to admit that the list of movies that I wish I had seen is much longer than any of my other lists...I missed about 25 movies over 2011 (a lot of them are still in the theater right now, so I'm hoping to catch up on a few). Otherwise, here are my lists in these categories:

Top 10 - Loved it!
Terrible 10 - Yuck!
Guilty Pleasures - Maybe not classics, but I liked them anyway...
Disappointments - Bummers
Honorable Mention - Good but not Great
Wish List - Still hope to see...

So here we go (in reverse order... just because...)

I Really Wish I Had Seen and Hopefully Will Soon See:
1. The Tree of Life
2. Win Win
3. Moneyball
4. Margin Call
5. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
6. Beginners
7. Anonymous
8. War Horse
9. The Iron Lady
10. We Bought a Zoo

Honorable Mention
1. The Company Men
2. Real Steel
3. Midnight in Paris
4. Hanna
5. Jane Eyre
6. 50/50
7. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Big Disappointments 
1. Breaking Dawn
2. Rango
3. Pirates of the Caribbean
4. One Day
5. Like Crazy
6. Larry Crowne
7. Hugo

Guilty Pleasures - not great but I liked them anyway
1. Bridesmaids
2. No Strings Attached
3. Horrible Bosses
4. Footloose
5. Something Borrowed
6. I am Number 4
7. In Time
8. The Adjustment Bureau

Terrible 10 - Really Bad!!
1. Arthur (2011)
2. Gnomeo and Juliet
3. Just Go With It
4. Our Idiot Brother
5. Red Riding Hood
6. Sucker Punch
7. New Year's Eve
8. Transformers
9. The Green Hornet
10. Spy Kids

Top 10 - My Favorites of 2011
10. Source Code
9. X-Men: First Class
8. Water for Elephants
7. The Ides of March
6. Super 8
5. Crazy Stupid Love
4. The Way
3. Harry Potter
2. The Descendants
1. The Help

There it is - my year end review of the movies I've seen this year. As always, I reserve the right to change my mind as I catch up. Hopefully I will see a couple of movies in the next couple of days...