Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Finally feels like Fall...

Today was one of those days that I didn’t get much of anything done… It’s not that I wasn’t busy, I hardly had a moment to sit down. In fact, I felt like I had one foot nailed to the floor and I was spinning in circles trying to get things done! Multi-task? HA! Every time I thought I might get to something on my long list of things to do, another situation would crop up to foil my best intentions. Well, tomorrow is another day…

At least it finally feels like fall at last. September 21st was officially the first day of autumn – it was also Hot, Hot, Hot here that day. Not Arizona hot, but hot for our usually lovely, temperate northern California. For me, yesterday was the first real day of fall. A bit overcast, temps only up to the mid 60’s. Absolutely perfect! Tomorrow is October 1st! Prime pumpkin time! Can't wait to take Baby Hurricane to the pumpkin patch again this year...and then it's time to Trick or Trick! Did I mention that this is my favorite time of year?!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dust is a protective covering for furniture...

I am not much of a housekeeper. Before my children were born, it wasn’t an issue. It was easy to keep our small apartment clean – there were just the two of us. As a newlywed, I would grumble about the fact that Ron couldn’t get his socks in the hamper to save his life, but all in all, we led a fairly tidy existence.

When baby #1 came along, I exhausted myself trying to keep everything sanitary and pristine for my precious child. She, in turn, picked up things off the floor and put everything in her mouth…But still, I would wear myself out and become cranky even when Ron told me to “leave it.” I felt guilty leaving a dirty dish in the sink or a pile of clean clothes unfolded. The toys had to be put way before we went to bed. But why?

This dates back to my childhood. The nicest way I can put this is that my mother was an absolute “neat freak.” Mom was a registered nurse whose preferred work shift was 3pm – 11pm. This left the majority of housecleaning to me and my sister (3 years younger). Sis was completely disinterested in helping me keep the house clean to Mom’s standards. What really sucked is that if Mom got home at 11:45 pm or later and saw that anything was out of place or a dirty dish in the sink, she would wake us up to take care of whatever had been left undone. I began a nightly ritual of straightening up a room, turning off the lights, turning the lights back on to pretend that I was her as I looked to see what was out of place. Can you imagine? I would beg Sis to please clean up in an effort to help her from being yanked out of bed in the middle of the night. Not one of my better childhood memories.

But back to my housekeeping practices…once babies #2 & #3 came along, I was done for. Even though I didn’t work outside the home, I just couldn’t keep up with the laundry, diapers, dishes, toys…but you know what? It was ok. Nobody died or contracted the bubonic plague. There was a point that I realized that I didn’t want my girls to remember that I would rather do laundry, vacuum or dust than sit down with them and read them a story.

My mother lived with us for about 10 years from the time #1 daughter was 4 years old. She had a difficult time letting go of the idea that the house looked “lived in.” We disagreed for years about dishes left in the sink, toys not being put away, bathrooms left untidy…It wasn’t until a rather heated quarrel with her one day that I told her that I didn’t want my girls to remember that all I did when they were little was clean house or yell at them to straighten up. I wanted them to remember that I sat down with them and read them a story or took them for a walk. Mom finally got what I was saying. Soon after that I found a poem that I shared with her. The last stanza follows –

The cleaning and scrubbing
Will wait til tomorrow,
For children grow up,
I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs.
Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep…
~Author Unknown ~

As the girls got older, I still didn’t want to nag them about the house. I didn’t want to but sometimes I couldn’t help it. Eventually, I learned to compromise with them… "Keep your door closed so I don’t have to see what it looks like in there...” Which worked until I HAD to go in their rooms for one reason or another…oh well.

It’s been 3 years since my twins left for college. One of the few benefits of having an empty nest is that the chicks aren’t there to make any messes. When you clean house it stays clean….in theory, at least….

The same year that the twins left for college, a dear friend gave birth to a beautiful baby boy (turning 3 years old in a couple weeks). I will hereafter refer to him as Baby Hurricane. Since the girls are nowhere near making us grandparents (this is a good thing), Baby Hurricane cures my baby fever by spending many Sundays and an occasional sleepover at Casa Beeson. He’s good medicine for us old folks! Anyway, there are toys in the house again…brightly colored wooden blocks that really hurt when you step on them, nerf balls, bouncey balls, wiffle balls, toy cars and trucks, story books, crayons and color books, stuffed animals, sidewalk chalk, even a sandbox in the backyard. Toys are everywhere along with the mess that accompanies a Baby Hurricane! Would I rather have a clean house? Not by a long shot….remember, babies don’t keep….

Monday, September 28, 2009

Time flies...

"There aren’t enough hours in a day…"


For awhile I collected clocks. Wall clocks, desk clocks, old pocket watches, even a lead crystal hourglass. As if by owning all these timepieces I could somehow own time and control how quickly my life was slipping away. Ridiculous. I have begun to give away some of these clocks and what remains is a constant reminder of just how silly I can be.

When I was a young girl, all I wanted was to be a mother. I didn’t so much yearn for a boyfriend, a husband or a soul mate…I just wanted a baby. More specifically, I wanted a baby girl. It wasn’t as though as the oldest child of 4 siblings, I didn’t already have the responsibilities of motherhood. I certainly did. And it wasn’t just that by having a child of my own I could right all the wrongs that had been done to me. Yes, that was part of it, too. I knew that a daughter would be my friend. She would know and understand me and in doing so, she would fill my loneliness. What an impossible responsibility for a baby girl.

But back to time. Why is it that when I got everything I wanted (times 3), did I begin to count the days until it would be over? I have always done that. As soon as my girls were born, I began to worry about the day they would leave me. At times, the sadness and panic about this inevitability would take such a grip on me that it would steal away the joy out of an ordinary day. In later years, I would allow my daughters to see the fear and sadness and it would steal their joy as well. There is no excuse for that. I hope they will forgive me someday.

After spending the weekend with two of the three most amazing human beings in the world, I just feel grateful. Although I do miss having my girls (#1 would remind me here that they are all grown women now) with me on a daily basis, I am really going to do my best not to worry and hurry the future anymore. I’m going to enjoy every minute of our visits, phone calls, skype chats, texts and emails…because I’ve got nothing but time…..

Sunday, September 27, 2009


We are driving back to San Leandro after spending a quick weekend with 2/3 of our offspring. Daughter #3 (the writer) is convinced that I should start a blog. I’ve been trying to convince her to do the same thing for a couple years. Says she won’t do it unless I do……I want to, but I don’t have the time…who would read it…why would anyone care about what I have to say? I guess that I could ramble about things that I care about…that’s what bloggers do, right?…OK, #3, I’ll try it. Don’t promise that I’ll be any good at it at all or that you’ll like what I have to say, but here it goes.

Where to start? The basics...

Name – Laura
Age – 47 (how did I get to be so old?!)
Married to Ron, the CPA, for 26 years (together for 30 total!) He’s 47, too
Children – 3 daughters (#1 is 23 years old, living & working in DC, #2 is 21 years old, is a senior in college majoring in Environmental Studies and contemplating physical therapy as a career, and #3, the writer, is also 21, a senior in college majoring in comparative literature. Will have to get permission from them to include any more information about them before I get myself in trouble - I've learned from my mistakes!
Oh, and I live in the East Bay in California aka Mars!

The title of this blog is a work in progress. I don't want it to sound negative – I’ve been advised that when I update my status on facebook (yes, I’m a modern mom with a facebook account!) that I have a tendency to post negative comments.

So, there it is - my first blog post. Nothing fancy or profound, but a start. Right, #3?