Sunday, February 13, 2011

Return of the Valentine's Day Curse

For the history on this subject, please read my blog post from last year on February 14th called "Ron & Laura and the Valentine's Day Curse."

So, in our attempt to move on from this history, I don't have any expectations about Valentine's Day anymore. I don't say this grudgingly at all. I just grew up. And to be honest, it takes some stress out of my life because I don't have to come up with a perfect gift idea, either.

A perfect day for us is a Saturday during which get our errands done, maybe lunch out and a good movie. Yesterday, we were on the right path... 1. We had some chores at home to do - check! The garage is reorganized and all the Christmas decorations are back in storage! 2. We had some errands to run - check! Post office, Wal Mart, recycling center was closed (darn), Office Max... We're making great progress so let's go to lunch. This is where the day turned...

We decided to go to BJ's - a restaurant in San Mateo. It's a great place to get burgers, pizza and specialty beers. Luckily, we didn't order beer. We ordered some drinks - Pepsi for Ron and Diet for me, looked at the menu and decided what we wanted. The waiter brought us our drinks. I was chatting on the phone with Mandi while we waited for our food. As I relive this moment, I am seeing it in slow motion...Ron reaches for his drink and accidentally knocks it over. He knocked it TOWARDS me. The cold Pepsi is dripping off the table into my lap and as he reaches to try to pick up the knocked over glass, he knocks over MY full glass also towards me - DOUBLE WHAMMY! Good thing I was wearing brown pants, huh?!

While I was cleaning myself up in the ladies room, I looked at myself in the mirror and started laughing. "The Valentine's Day curse lives!" I thought. Another woman walked into the bathroom about that time and saw me laughing. She smiled at me and said, "I'm sorry for laughing, but it looks like you are ok." I told her that I was fine and told her that Ron was worse off than I was. You should have seen the look of guilt on his face as I rushed off to the bathroom.

When I got back to the table, there was no evidence of the spilled soda and there were also two fresh drinks on the table. Ron wanted to take me somewhere to buy another pair of pants, but since we had ordered lunch, there was nothing to do but sit down and wait for it. We laughed about the curse and ate our lunch. By the time I wandered around the nearby Old Navy store after lunch looking for a pair of replacement pants for the day, I realized that I was dry. No harm no foul.

We finished our errands and even went to see a movie. If that is the worst that happens this Valentine's holiday, I think we will be fine. I will let you know at the end of the day tomorrow. Just remember, don't cry over spilled soda!

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