There are all kinds of benefits to driving into work together every day...
- We are saving gas
- We get to use the car pool lane
- We get to talk to each other on the ride to and from work
- I can work on my laptop while Ron drives
- I don't have to drive after along day at work
- I can even take a nap in the car if I'm exhausted
However, it's not all wonderful...at the moment it's 9:30 pm and do you want to know where I am? I am sitting in Ron's office while he finishes a big project at work. Any sign of him being finished yet? No, of course not. I dare not complain, though. I guess I owe him for all the Wednesdays that he had to wait around for me to be finished with my night class.
So, if you happen to see me tomorrow with bags under my eyes, you'll know why...it's the commuting...
By the way, we got home at 10:45 pm...
Well, you can't have everything. And bags under eyes? As long as they're not steamer trunks!
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