I love books. I love to read. When I was 11 years old, my favorite aunt, my Aunti Frankie gave me
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith to read. It was my first “grown up” book and I absolutely devoured it. More than that, I became part of the story. I became Francie Nolan, the main character in the book. I cried when something awful happened to her, rejoiced when she overcame those things and I mourned when I finished the book. A good book does that to me – pulls me into that world and out of this one for a little while. It’s a great escape. I love movies for the same reason.
The problem with reading now is that I just don’t seem to have the time. Work, home – life gets in the way. Every once in a while, though, I will neglect other things I need to do and dive into a book. I’m not a lot of fun to be around when I get hooked by a book. Depending on the book, I might even become obsessed – reading every spare minute I have including during the commute to and from work. I feel guilty leaving Ron alone while I am off on my adventures into the written world. At least when we go to the movies, he is sitting beside me at the theater.

Unfortunately for him, I have been bitten by the reading bug again. I blame it on
The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I just finished it late last night. Now I’m in that weird mourning period after I have finished a good book. I miss Aibileen, Minny and Skeeter and I want Hilly Holbrook to eat another piece of that pie! Great book – I highly recommend it! Can’t wait to see the movie now to see if it holds up to the book. I like all the actresses so I am hopeful.
The problem is that I want to read another GOOD book now…any recommendations?
1 comment:
Depending on your tastes, there are probably several I could recommend. Non-fiction? How about MANHUNT The 12 day chase for Lincoln's killer, by James L. Swanson. Fiction? I'll have to check out my collection.
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