Thursday, November 15, 2012

Busy Hands

I have been a little blue lately. Physically I am doing better every day. My strength and stamina continue to improve and I am actively exercising and going to physical therapy. Even so, I feel pretty isolated during the week. I am still prohibited from driving until the end of the year, so it really limits me.

Now that the holidays are rolling in, I keep thinking about what I have done in years past...more times than not I think about the place I used to work and the people there. I guess I am still coming to terms with being unemployed. Recently, I talked to a friend about how I was feeling. She was very supportive and suggested that I get back to doing some sewing or other crafty I did! The picture above is the table runner I made. This reminded me how much I enjoy making things and how satisfying it is to finish a project. Thanks for reminding me, Eileen!

I am also starting to slowly put up Christmas decorations. I admit it's a little early, but putting up my Christmas trees has always been very therapeutic for me. I won't have time to be blue....I'm gonna deck the halls!