Monday, December 31, 2012

Last day of the year...

It's almost time to ring in the new year, reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the year to come. Here goes...

When all is said and done, 2012 could have been worse. It wasn't my favorite year, but I did learn some very important lessons. I am going to try to be mindful about all the things I learned and work them into my resolutions. I have a wonderful, supportive and loving family and great friends - I will never take that for granted. I know that it's very important for me to take better care of myself since I didn't do such a great job of that in 2012. 2013 is a chance for a fresh start, though.

For 2013, I resolve to...
1. Exercise more regularly (I signed up for a yoga class - starts on Jan 10th!)
2. Eat more healthy meals. No, really, I will.
3. Do one thing every day that I SHOULD do.
4. Do one thing every day that I WANT to do.
5. Communicate with family & friends more frequently.
6. Read more.
7. Write more.
8. Find a job.
9. Get a dog.

Now #9 isn't a slam dunk because I have to convince Ron that I really need to have a dog. Not sure how I will accomplish that but I'm working on it. Any ideas?

Anyway, I'm grateful to have the opportunity to share these resolutions with you. Like I said, 2012 could have been much worse!
Happy 2013!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Les Miserables

Before I tell you what I thought of this movie, I have to be upfront and tell you that this is one of my very favorite musicals of all time. Ron and I saw the Broadway production 3 different times. I am not a professional critic; I only have an opinion. So, please take my review for what it's worth - I am a fan. I woke up this morning with the soundtrack from the movie running through my head!

Having said that, I will have to say that I didn't think the movie was perfect. The director chose to shoot many of the solo scenes in extreme close ups. Ron liked it but it was distracting for me. It was like having my personal space encroached upon. There were also a couple of abrupt transitions between scenes that left us a bit perplexed, but we got over it pretty quickly.

Let's talk about the singing abilities of these mostly well-known actors. Hugh Jackman was superb as Jean Valjean. The fact that he was singing live rather than to playback made each scene more emotional and heartfelt. His transformation from the lowly, downtrodden prisoner 24601 into a respected businessman and loving father was no less than amazing. Anne Hathaway as Fantine broke my heart as she sang "I Dreamed a Dream." It's unfortunate that she didn't have more scenes.

I'm not sure why Russell Crowe has gotten a bad rap for his portrayal of Javert. He CAN sing. Truthfully, the Javert character is my least favorite in the show, but obviously necessary. Maybe his performance of Javert's final song didn't pack enough punch, but I thought he did respectably well. The real surprise for me was Eddie Redmayne as Marius. His renditions of "A Little Fall of Rain" with Eponine and "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" absolutely brought me to tears. His voice is beautiful. Samantha Barks as Eponine was wonderful and Ron was especially touched by her performance of "On  My Own."

Young Cosette is played by Isabelle Allen who very sweetly sings "Castle on a Cloud." Amanda Seyfried is Cosette all grown up. Although her voice did blend well with Marius, I found her to be a little shrill at times; those are difficult songs to sing. Sascha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter were the Thenardiers. Ron was unhappy with the way Cohen didn't appear to inhabit the character in the spirit that it was written. Madame Thenardier was just fine.

There is a wonderful surprise in the beginning of the movie and lovers of the Broadway show will recognize Colm Wilkinson (who originated the role of Valjean) as the priest. His presence onscreen gave me the sense that he had given Hugh Jackman his blessing, but also demonstrated why he could not have reprised his original role for the film and why stage acting and film acting are two different art forms. Otherwise, each scene was meticulous in detail and texture.

It's an emotionally moving and sad story with beautiful memorable melodies. We loved it and haven't been able to stop talking about it since last night. If you are a fan of the musical, I think you will enjoy the movie. We just might go see it again this weekend.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Lying awake in bed early this morning and I haven't been able to stop thinking about the babies that were lost yesterday in the horrific shooting in Connecticut. I can't begin to imagine the pain and anguish those poor parents and families are experiencing. It's too much and too awful to comprehend.

What is the world coming to? There have been 16 mass shootings in the US this year leaving the loved ones of 88 people grieving. Why do these tragedies continue to occur, but more importantly, what can we do to make them stop? We can't let things like this continue to happen.

It's all just too horrible to bear - my heart is breaking for for the people in Connecticut, but for the rest of us as well. We live in a much scarier world than we used to - how sad to live in a time that schools now have drills and lock down procedures. Be sure to hug your kids a little tighter today. They will need your reassurance. As for me, I have decided to leave my peace sign lit continuously until someone tells me what else I can do. My wish for all of us is simple...peace...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Santa Baby

Mandi and Bryce showed up at the house last night with a bag full of red and white fabric and grand ideas about making Santa outfits for San Francisco SantaCon 2012. In case you've never heard of it - here is a link that will tell you all about SantaCon...

It didn't take long for me to figure out that I would be the one making the costumes - partly because I'm a little bit of a control freak and wouldn't allow them to touch my sewing machine! Besides that, they didn't have a pattern or a real idea of how to make what they wanted. I spent the better part of the day measuring, cutting and sewing. Here are a couple pictures of the finished products...

Aren't they just adorable?!
I had a lot of fun making their outfits. It took me back to when the kids were little and I made all their Halloween costumes. I'm very pleased with the way their outfits turned out - Mandi and Bryce seemed pretty excited about them as well. The best part of the day was when Mandi made tortilla soup for dinner while I was sewing - it was delicious! All in all, I think it was a pretty good trade!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Graffiti or Art?

The other day Ron and I found ourselves wandering around the Haight Ashbury area of San Francisco. I knew we were going to be seeing some street art so I went prepared with my camera. What follows are a very few photos of some paintings we ran across...

not sure if this is Poseidon or some other watery king but it's a cool painting

lots of attention to detail - the eyes are amazing

pretty scary!

yes - those are legs coming out of that window - above a costume shop

this artist even signed this piece. the picture doesn't do the colors justice.
I ran out of time and these were all I had time to photograph. I'm determined to keep my camera with me throughout the holidays and especially when I go back to San Fran.

So what do you think? Graffiti or art?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Crunch

19 days until Christmas --- YIKES!!! How did it get here so fast? The elves at Santa's workshop are putting in overtime to get things made in time for Christmas. Thank goodness I have a designated sewing room now!

This holiday is different for me this year. I am just so grateful to be around this Christmas. In the spirit of appreciating the holiday, I am going to do my best not to get stressed about things that don't really matter --- I am going to focus instead on my fantastic family. All 3 of my daughters will be here with their significant others. I can't wait! We will have some wonderful meals, have game nights and go to the movies...More than anything, though, I just want to look at them and put my arms around them!

FYI - I won't be sending out my annual Christmas letter until AFTER Christmas this year since jb and Causten won't  be here until the 24th and you know how I love to take pictures of the entire family together! Be on the lookout for a letter around New Year's...unless, of course, the world does end according to the Mayan calendar!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Rise of the Guardians

I actually saw this movie with my sister on Thanksgiving Day...I have been a little slow about letting you know how much I loved this movie. I have read all the books that are the basis of this story and have thoroughly enjoyed them. This story is a wonderful new twist on Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman and Jack Frost and how children's belief in them give them their strength and magical powers.

The vocal talents behind this animated film were Alec Baldwin as Santa, Hugh Jackman as Easter Bunny, Isla Fisher as Tooth Fairy, Chris Pine as Jack Frost and Jude Law as Pitch Black. They were all wonderful and gave the movie great energy. This is a Dreamworks film  and the animation is good but definitely not as crisp as a Pixar movie. I am very partial to Pixar (the Toy Story movies, in particular). However, this is a good animated movie - great for the holidays and a good adaptation from the books.

I had hoped to take Viliamu to see it this last weekend but he was not interested in any way...maybe next time...