I actually saw this movie with my sister on Thanksgiving Day...I have been a little slow about letting you know how much I loved this movie. I have read all the books that are the basis of this story and have thoroughly enjoyed them. This story is a wonderful new twist on Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman and Jack Frost and how children's belief in them give them their strength and magical powers.
The vocal talents behind this animated film were Alec Baldwin as Santa, Hugh Jackman as Easter Bunny, Isla Fisher as Tooth Fairy, Chris Pine as Jack Frost and Jude Law as Pitch Black. They were all wonderful and gave the movie great energy. This is a Dreamworks film and the animation is good but definitely not as crisp as a Pixar movie. I am very partial to Pixar (the Toy Story movies, in particular). However, this is a good animated movie - great for the holidays and a good adaptation from the books.
I had hoped to take Viliamu to see it this last weekend but he was not interested in any way...maybe next time...