Saturday, February 23, 2013

"How to Knit a Love Song"

The worst thing I can say about this book is that I'm sad that I finished it. As far as I know there is only one more Cypress Hollow book for me to read. I am becoming so attached to this fictional California town that I really do wish that it were a place that I could visit.

Once again, Rachael Herron has created relate-able characters in a lovely romantic story. As in the other books she has written, knitting, spinning and yarns are integral to the story. (By the way, I have been practicing my knitting and have just learned how to purl - I'm hoping there is a handmade sweater in my future some day!)

Abigail and Cade are the romantic couple in this story. He's a cowboy and she's a city girl. Of course they will fall hopelessly in love. The fun in this story is being along for the ride as they learn more about each other. Be advised - there are some steamy love scenes in this story, but we're grown ups and we can handle it, right?

It just so happens that Ron and I went to dinner at Pedro's Mexican Restaurant in Santa Clara last night. As we waited to be seated, we noticed that there were several women coming into the restaurant wearing beautiful, intricately knitted scarves, shawls, capelets and sweaters. I struck up a conversation with one of these women and found out that there is a knitting convention going on in Santa Clara this weekend called "Stitches." This nice lady encouraged me to come to the convention (without Ron) and see all the yarns and knitting paraphernalia. I told her I'm like a newborn to the knitting community and I just wouldn't know where to start. Maybe next year. This knitting thing is really experiencing a resurgence in popularity, huh?

In the meantime, I've only got one more Cypress Hollow romance left to read. I'm going to wait a bit to start that book and hope that Rachael has another book on the way soon!

1 comment:

Don Meyer said...

Alison Hyde, the author of the knitting book you acquired, was also at Stitches.
You can see her blog at

If you are looking for something else to read, I have a recommendation. it is
THE LAST LECTURE by Randy Pausch. It is a true story, and one of the most uplifting, inspiring, funny books I have ever read. This from a man who knew he was dying of cancer. You can see Randy's last lecture by going to Go to the last item in the left hand column that says 'Watch the last lecture'. It runs about an hour and a quarter, and is a blast. Much of what he says in the video is also in the book.