Wednesday, March 6, 2013

To knit or to sew? That is the question...

I started this post last week, but then things got very busy and life got away from me for a bit. That's the thing - I am not back to work yet, but my life is full and busy and I like it.

Every morning I wake up and make my "to do" list - on the left side I write down the things I MUST do - on the right side I list the things that I should do if I have the time. At the bottom of my list I write the same 4 items every day...this was yesterday's list -

Tuesday, March 5th

1. Yoga                               4. Take boxes to recycling center
2. Laundry                           5. Organize garage
3. Clean frig                          


What I know about myself is that I am much more productive each day if I leave the TV turned off. I love "Good Morning America" but I've found that if I don't start watching TV first thing in the morning, I am much more successful about getting each item crossed off the list every day except for the ones at the bottom. Those four items at the bottom of the list are my reward for getting the other things done; although, I will admit that I often sit and write in the morning before I've done anything else. My brain works the best in the morning, I guess.

Because there are a limited number of hours in a day, my dilemma is deciding which of my rewards to give myself. Read? Write? Sew? Knit? It's all good. Today I knit so maybe tomorrow I'll sew...

1 comment:

Don Meyer said...

Gee, what a choice! To be a knit wit, or a sew-and-sew. No derogatory remark intended.