Saturday, November 30, 2013

So Grateful

I am nearing the end of a 16 day cross country trip and it occurred to me that I haven't taken the time to tell you what I'm grateful for this year. So while Ron and I are resting at the glorious JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort and Spa, I thought I'd reflect and give you my list. I am so grateful...

...that my hair grew back!

...that I have been able to play Scrabble and Words with Friends almost competitively with Anita, Eileen, Megan, Debbie, Katie, Gibby and Rita. (Thanks for keeping my brain working!)

...that I got to visit my good friend Don and his feathered kids.

...that I am well enough to have gotten a new job and that my boss at my new job was so understanding and flexible about me taking 2 weeks off even though I just started there at the end of October.

...that I continue to get to spend time with the Wild Thing!

...that in all our travels this year, the airlines never lost our luggage, we never missed a flight and that we arrived safely at all our destinations.

...that I finally got to meet my dear friend, Meredith.

...that we got to see Ron's parents, brother and sister this year.

...that I got to see Kevin, Leah and Kimi this year.

...that even though it's been a challenging year, my girls, Ron and I are all healthy.

...that I got to spend real quality time with Stef and Tim and their families. (Next year, Ginger?)

...that my beautiful, healthy baby nephew Wyatt arrived to the enthusiastic welcome of the whole family and that my brother and sister-in-law allowed me to go to Georgia to meet him and spend some time with all of them.

...that after 30 years of being married, Ron and I are still best friends and that he loves and accepts me blonde or brunette, thin or fat, in sickness and in health!

Tomorrow Ron and I will be driving the last 7 hours (480 miles) back home. It's been a whirlwind of a trip, but we made it! I wish you all a belated "Happy Thanksgiving!"

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