Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Red Letter Day

The transformation is complete. I am a 50 year old woman and I own a red hat! I was inducted into the Red Hat Society at work today.

Here is the mission of the Red Hat Society...

We are a global society of women that supports and encourages women in their pursuit of fun, friendship, freedom, fulfillment, and fitness.
Fun – we celebrate life at every age
Friendship – we solidify and expand the bonds of sisterhood
Freedom – we discover and explore new interests
Fulfillment – we realize our personal potential
Fitness – we embrace healthy, life-lengthening lifestyles

I am there! I am ready! (I really have to work on the fitness part). The rest I can certainly work on as I go along. Thanks to the other members of the Avenidas SDHC chapter for letting me in the club!  I will do my best to live up to expectations.

As I embrace this new phase of my life, I have begun searching for words of wisdom about aging. Here are a few quotes I have found so far...

"The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been." Madeleine L'Engle

"You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely." Ogden Nash

"Getting older is an adventure, not a problem." Antonio Pierro

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Lucky One

We haven't been to the movies for a while. There isn't a lot out there right now because it's pre-season before the big summer blockbusters. I do look forward to those, but in the meantime we wanted to see something with the potential to be good. For this, we chose The Lucky One.

This movie is based on another Nicholas Sparks book. I loved reading "The Notebook" and "A Walk to Remember"  and even liked "Message in a Bottle." I have enjoyed many of the movies based on his books - my favorite has been The Notebook. The problem with his stories as well as the key to their success is that they are formulaic. This is my problem with Nicholas Sparks...someone ALWAYS dies at the end of the story. It's not always one of the love interests, but SOMEONE dies. Now when I watch one of his stories, I spend most of the movie wondering who it's going to be...

This brings me to The Lucky One. Basically, it's a respectable movie. It was ok, but didn't move me to tears. It's ok as a love story. What I thought about most as I watched was that Zac Efron is too beautiful for his own good. This young actor is going to have difficulty being taken seriously because he is just too ridiculously good looking. If I was a young actress, I wouldn't want to be paired with him. I would be afraid of the comparisons. In this movie, the young actress, Taylor Schilling did fine.

So although Ron liked the movie, I will have to tell you that you don't have to rush out to see it. The story is contemporary in that the lead character is a marine with possible post traumatic stress disorder after serving in Iraq for three tours of duty. Except for Zac Efron's extraordinary good looks, there really isn't anything special or different about this love story. Yes, someone dies in this movie, but I won't give it away. As expensive as it is to go to the movies these days, it's definitely worth waiting for it to come out on DVD.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Well, the hoopla is over. The trip came and went in a flash. The party was wonderful - more of a reunion, really. It was so good to see everyone! I said it before and I will say it again - I just wish that I'd had more time to spend with each person who came to see me.

And now what is left is settling back into my life and wondering...what's next?

Most weekends I use as time to recover from the week before it. (Although, this past week I was recovering from the weekend before!) I wish that I was more focused on the things I want to do with my "free" time. I am a creative person, but too often I have a hard time getting started.

I have bookcases filled with books I haven't read yet. I have a craft room filled with patterns, uncut fabrics, scrapbooking materials, yarn, photo albums, paints....all kinds of "stuff." I have a backyard in desperate need of my attention. My house could always use some cleaning. There are letters I need to write; friends I should call...

There is plenty to do, but I feel frozen. I don't know if it's that I am so overwhelmed by all there is to do. Why can't I just choose something and do it? I'm sure that I spend too much time sitting here with my laptop on facebook, searching the internet, or playing Words with Friends.

Maybe it's just PVD - Post Vacation Depression.

I need a plan. I need to make a list. There are things to do...

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Party's Over...

I feel so loved!
Back at home - back in my own bed...resting, recuperating after all the family fun.

I really am grateful to all the family that took time out of their busy lives to celebrate with me. In all there were 25 of us. It was a great gathering and something I will never forget. It was over in a blink and the only regret I have is that I barely got to spend time with any of the people who made such a great effort to come to Las Vegas to see me. So, the next time I have a milestone birthday I think we should have it in a quieter place and we should spend a week instead of 48 hectic hours.

How does a week in Maui sound for my 60th in 2022? Who's with me?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Birthday Celebration - Day 2

What a day! I'm still recovering....but what, a WONDERFUL family I have!

First, I have to thank all of my family and friends who flew and drove all the way out to the desert to Sin City to help me celebrate...

From New York City
     daughter, jb and fiance, Causten
     daughter, Mandi and Bryce
From San Leandro, California
     daughter Beckie
From Tucson, Arizona
     sister, Stef, brother-in-law, Paul and nephew, Chance
From Albany, Oregon
     cousins, Kimi and Randy
From El Paso, Texas
     cousins, Kevin and Andy
     cousins, Leah and Tom
     cousins, Derek and Cesar
     cousins, Lisa and Danny, Mickey and Phoebe
From Sacramento, California
     friend and birthday buddy, Audrey

Just look at the crazy red hat that Kevin and Kimi put together for me!

Sorry that it was rainy and cold - we ordered sunshine for the weekend, but didn't we have a blast anyway?! You all are my heart and so much a part of my life that it wouldn't have been a celebration without you. Thank you sooooo much for being here and bringing your crazy energy.

Secondly, I have to thank the Las Vegas branch of my family for suggesting that I celebrate here. Thanks to my brother Tim and sister-in-law, Megan - Great idea! Then, from the bottom of my heart, I have to thank my sister, Ginger for hosting the big shindig at her restaurant. The decorations, food, drinks and music were all amazing and so much more that I could have wished for! Look at this cake!

delicious cake and just beautiful!

The Wedge Brothers Band - Great music = lots of dancing!
I just couldn't finish my big drink - I did try!
Ginger even had a photographer at the event and I will be sharing those photos when I get them.

I am so grateful that all my daughters were here with their beautiful, amazing selves. I wanted a photo of the Beeson 5 all together, but I think the evening got away from us and we didn't get it done at the party. Maybe later today.

Finally, I have to thank my wonderful husband for his organization, chauffeuring, patience, love and attention. He makes it all happen and makes it all worthwhile. I love you, Ronnie B!

It has been such a good weekend - why did I ever worry about turning 50!?! So far, so good!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Birthday Celebration - Day 1

Day 1 of "The Great Las Vegas Birthday Celebration of Laura's Decrepitude" is in the books.

The day started with us driving to San Francisco to fly out of SFO. We took a Virgin America flight and flew out gate 50! I thought that was pretty funny. On the flight, Beckie and I each had a mimosa. Just a little libation to get the party started. The flight itself was uneventful until the landing...very bumpy because it was very windy in Las Vegas. Not only was it windy, but it was raining and only 60 degrees when we got here. Just a few days ago, Vegas was experiencing 80 degree weather - whatcha gonna do?!

It just so happens that almost everyone had arrived in Vegas before us. We eventually congregated at Maggiano's for dinner at 9 pm. There were 21 of us at one l-o-n-g table. We were boisterous and loud and happy and TOGETHER! Have you ever been at a restaurant when all of a sudden you realize that you are the last group there and the waiters are cleaning everything up around you? That happens to us a lot.

 I love my family! There will be even more of us together tonight at my sister's restaurant for the big birthday bash - live band - food - dancing.... stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Half a Century - my turn

In the wee hours of the morning on my birthday every year, my phone rings. I answer and my mother begins to serenade me with the birthday song. Every year. I guess there is no one more likely to remember my big day since it was her big day first, huh? Well, thank you for the wake up call again this year, Mamacita!

I am the last of the Beeson 5 to celebrate a birthday this year. Ron, Mandi and Beckie had their birthdays in January, jb celebrated in February and now it's my turn. In the interest of playing fair since I did share pictures of them, I will now share some photos of myself over the last 50 years. 
4 months old - mouth open - I had a lot to say even then!
1 year old

2 years old
3 years old
4-ish I remember this day because I was helping my dad wash the car - that's his shadow. Later I almost died because I almost drank from a Coca Cola bottle that had gasoline in it - he used the gas to get the tar spots off the car, I guess. It was pretty traumatic!
1st grade - 6 yrs old
7 or so with sister, Ginger and our dog, Cinnamon

Did I ever tell you about the time I fell /ran down a very steep hill, lost my
footing and cracked my head on a big rock at the bottom of the hill?

8 1/2 - I really was this excited to have a new baby sister!
Easter 1972 - a bouffant hairdo at 10 years old - my mom couldn't help herself.
For this, I will never forgive her!

I'm skipping the rest of the awkward, ugly years (because it's my birthday and I can do what I want) and move forward to the not quite hideous years...

20 years old - my engagement photo

30 years old and wondering where the fire extinguisher  is!
40 years old
So here I am staring 50 in the far, so good, I guess. I will make the best of it and have a great time at my party. If you're not doing anything, fly on over to Las Vegas and join me and my crazy family for the celebration! Here is a preview of some of what I will be wearing...

Oh and by the way...this is my 200th post for this blog! Ta da!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easters past - just a few more pictures

2012 - No Easter outfits or baskets - just some posies from my garden
I meant to post these yesterday, but the day got away from me. Here are a few more photos of Easter - it turns out that I haven't scanned most of the Easter photos. I didn't go digital until 2005.
Here we are in 1991 - do you detect a theme here? Pretty obnoxious, i know, but it seemed like a cute idea at the time!
1992 - my angels - L to R - Mandy, Jenny, Becky
1994 - Not our best year - Jenn broke her arm a few days before Easter and Mandy was recovering from chicken pox.
 Becky and Jenny came down with chicken pox a few days later. This was our last Easter in Texas before we moved to Arizona.
Now I have skipped a few years (mainly because I have to hunt down the photos and then scan them). So I fast forwarded to 2007 and a couple pictures of the Wild Thing years.

2007 - Viliamu at 4 months
2009 - Viliamu at 2 1/2

That's all for now - now I have to hunt down photos for my birthday blog!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easters Past

Mom and Me - 1963 - like the bonnet?
Woke up this morning and realized it was Easter. This year were no Easter baskets to fill or eggs to hide. I am cooking a ham and making some deviled eggs and a few other goodies. I thought I would share a few photos from Easters past. Where did the time go?

Me and jb when she was Jenny - 1986

The next 3 photos are from 1989 - I loved Jenny's dress
with her BFF, Aunti Lisa

with her daddy - one of my favorite photos ever

with our very dear cousins, Leah & Derek
1988 - with our Twinkies - that's confetti in our hair, not dandruff!
our twinsies 1989 - Becky in yellow and Mandy in pink
The Beeson 5 circa 1989
I have more Easter photos to share, but it's time to get the ham in the oven - I shall return!