I tried to sleep in this morning - really I did, but Ron was up early to shower and head off for his day of golf. Once he left at 6 am, I couldn't get back to sleep. My mind wouldn't quit listing all the things I could do with a big chunk of the day all to myself. I learned long ago, that if I start making lists while I'm still lying in bed that I might as well get up and start doing something so that I can cross things off. Maybe I would take a nap later. So here's how the day went...
#1) Made coffee. #2) Started a load of laundry. #3) Drank coffee while watching a movie, "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas," (review later) and sorted clothes for ironing. #4) Vacuumed downstairs and put all the shoes back on the shoe rack in the garage (we have a shoeless house). #5) Had another cup of coffee, put the clothes in the dryer and arranged the pumpkins we bought last weekend. Pulled out some Halloween decorations. #6) Cleaned bathrooms. #7) Had another cup of coffee and ordered "Adventureland" on pay per view...ironed Ron's shirts while watching mediocre movie (review later). #8) Started working on a photo project for my old friends - had one more cup of coffee. #9) "Juno" came on while I was loading the dishwasher and cleaning the kitchen - watched it while straightening up the Hurricane's toy area. Ate a can of Spaghetti-o's with meatballs - yuck! #10) Called my brother and had a great chat!#11) Somewhere in this sequence, I did shower.... #12) Hit the road to do some shopping for some odds and ends - Dollar Tree, Goodwill Store, Michael's, Ross, Old Navy, Bed, Bath and Beyond and Safeway. #13) Came home and found Ron napping, fixed him some dinner and woke him up.
OK, so I didn't get "The Big Sleep" that the universe was telling me to get, but I had a wonderful day all to myself and got several things crossed off my "to do" list. Besides that, it was the loveliest of fall days and I got to be out in the coolish air for a bit as I hustled here and there. No, I didn't sleep in or rest, but I spent the day doing what I wanted to do and answered only to myself. I think that was just as satisfying. Besides, it's only Saturday night and I can sleep in tomorrow. Wait, did I take that load of clothes out of the dryer....
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