He did really well at the theater, even though this wasn’t Disney’s best. I’ve gotten a bit spoiled by the Pixar movies. Baby got a little bored in the middle of the movie (that never happens with Buzz and Woody). I give the movie just a lukewarm recommendation.

Otherwise, Baby H was the highlight of my weekend. He was funny and charming as usual. The stuff that comes out of his mouth lately is really hysterical. After his bath, he wore his new Max suit pj’s (“Where the Wild Things Are”) and we read the book 3 times before he finally fell asleep. On Sunday we skyped with Mandi & Beckie after our regular biscuits & gravy breakfast, read the book again and had a very successful day with the potty. We played with cars and trucks and rolled around on the floor and sang songs. Then it was time to take him home. Before we left the house, he turned around and hugged me… really hugged me. I asked him, “What’s the matter, Baby? Why are you hugging me?” Without a second’s hesitation and very matter of fact-ly, he said “Because I love you.” It took everything I had in me not to turn into a weepy mess. I hugged him back and let him hug me til he was finished. I let the feeling wash over me. It pays to slow down and remember what’s really important during this hectic time of year.
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