Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sick Time

I should start by saying that I am writing this while under the influence of cold medicine, so, yes, I am feeling a bit loopy. This is my second sick day from work - I had no choice - no energy, coughing, sore throat, runny nose. I can't decide what's worse - the cold or the medicine.

I don't like taking sick days; well, I don't like being sick and then being forced to stay home from work. You never know what will happen at work when you're home and who knows what kind of mess there will be to clean up when you get back. I shouldn't worry about that, though. I have a great team at work. I do feel incredibly guilty about staying home, so much so that it's hard to really rest.

I've been distracting myself with movies and old tv shows. So far I have watched one documentary called "Exit Through the Gift Shop," three movies and 10 episodes of "Firefly." During the previous weekend, Ron and I went to a couple movies as well. Here is a quick rundown...

True Grit - the remake of the old John Wayne movie. Jeff Bridges was very good, Matt Damon was very good and the girl who played Mattie Ross was just excellent. The cinematography was beautiful. It's been awhile since I saw the original, but I have to say that John Wayne was the first and the best Rooster.

Blue Valentine - Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams in a very sad and realistic story of a couple through their courtship, marriage and breakup. The acting was good, but the movie was too real, too sad, too depressing.

Chaos Theory - Ryan Reynolds in a small film about a man who loses everything that's important to him. I really enjoy Ryan Reynolds and he did a good job, but I'm not surprised that I'd never heard of it before.

Exit Through the Gift Shop - a very interesting documentary about Thierry Guetta aka Mr. Brainwash, a street artist. It includes footage of Banksy, and Invader and Shepard Fairey - all amazing street artists. Shepard Fairey is the artist credited with the Obama poster... I really enjoyed this movie.

Breakfast with Scot - a small Canadian film about a gay couple who inherit an orphaned 11 year old boy with flamboyant tendencies. It was a sweet little film, but nothing really memorable.

Firefly - The Series - There are only 14 episodes of this tv show. I had heard about it for years and I used the sick time and Netflix to find out what it's all about. The verdict is that I like it. I'm about 11 episodes in and I'm really sorry that this show didn't catch on. After I finish watching the rest of the episodes, I will watch "Serenity."

I'm feeling a little better, so I may go back to work tomorrow. Or I may stay home and make sure that I'm really well...and watch a few more movies....

1 comment:

Don Meyer said...

Feeling sick is for the birds, and I'm not even sure about the birds. You're right about not knowing what's going on at work. Boy, did we have a time without you. If you haven't all ready, see my blogs titled BINGO and PLAY IT SAM. You might mention those to Audrey, thank you.