Saturday, March 19, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away...

It's March 19th and this is my first post of the month! How did the time get away from me? Well, I'll tell you how...

1. Work has been busier than usual. There were some changes that took effect on March 1st and I'm still trying to adjust. It will happen but I've had some pretty late days at the office.

2. jb and Causten came to visit. This meant that I had to do some house cleaning - this is one of the first things I usually let go when I get busy. One of my friends suggested that I should consider a hiring a house keeper - to be honest, I am starting to consider it now.

3. Took a long weekend trip to El Paso for Kevin's 50th birthday extravaganza. It was a FABULOUS event, but it was too quick and we didn't get to spend enough time with any of our family and friends (especially the birthday boy!) - hard to squeeze everything in less than 72 hours! I did finally get to meet the new baby in the family, though, and got some quality snuggling time in with Emery Rose - I'm a "Grantie" (great-auntie). Besides, this weekend was a great reason to get the Beeson 5 together again!

Would it surprise you to know that the only movie we have seen so far this month is "Rango?" We like to take Viliamu to the movies on rainy weekends - it seems like we have nothing but rainy weekends for his last few visits. Looks like it's another movie day, too. :( So, today we will probably take him to see "Mars Needs Moms." It's hard keeping a 4 year old penned up inside the house when it's rainy - especially a puddle-jumper like our Wild Thing!

Do you know how to differentiate a native Californian from a transplant? Just complain about the rain. A non-native will agree with you, but a real Californian will always remind you how much we need the water. I'm a desert born gal and I enjoy a cloudy, rainy day as much as the next guy, but c'mon already! I'm ready for some blue skies.

1 comment:

Don Meyer said...

Well, as a native Californian, I must confess that I find this year to be one of the rainiest in many years. Yeah, I know. We need the rain.

Glad you had a good time on your visit. Absolutely nothing like getting together with family!