So, now I have to decide whether or not I will continue on my educational journey. Foothill College has decided to offer a few of the courses for the Gerontology Certificate through the summer and maybe one or two in the fall. If they decide to change the hours of the class from 6 pm - 9 pm to 4 pm to 7 pm I will definitely need to consider it.
But not tonight! Tonight I am going to relax and bask in the satisfaction that I did well.
Let me close with something I learned in class: Between 2005 and 2050 the percentage of the population at the age of 85 and above is expected to QUADRUPLE and the number of people with Alzheimer's Disease is expected to QUADRUPLE. There are not enough medical professionals, healthcare facilities or family members to care for these people. The Silver Tsunami is coming and we are not ready. Gerontologists are going to be in great demand.
WOW! The word 'congratulations' doesn't do service to the great job you did!
You deserve to CELEBRATE!! I will definitely be raising a glass in your honor this evening. Congratulations Laura! Love you mucho! Kubby
Thanks, Guys!
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