Two weekends have gone by with no movies that we HAD to see. We will take Viliamu to see The Green Lantern and/or Cars 2 ONLY if he asks us (Lantern looks like pure Velveeta and Cars just doesn't interest me). So what’s a movie lover to do when there are no new movies to review?

Let’s talk about TV shows and guilty pleasures. I LOVE LOVE LOVE a show on Fox called “So You Think You Can Dance?” Oh how I LOVE it. Very talented young dancers from around the country are put through a rigorous audtition process and finally 20 dancers (10 men and 10 women) are selected to compete. They perform complex dance routines in a variety of styles over the course of the competition. Viewers vote by phone or on the internet to choose their favorites.The choreographers are mostly FANTASTIC and the dancers do their best to live up to expectations. I have watched this show since it started - this is the 8th season. The dancers are amazing this season. Watch and vote – Wednesdays at 8 pm on Fox; results show on Thursdays at 9 am!

By far, the best thing I have seen on TV for a while is “Game of Thrones” on HBO. OH MY GOD!! So good. The guilty part of this for me is that I usually don’t watch movies or shows that are so full of brutal violence, nudity and sex, but the story lines are incredibly compelling. The first season of this show has just finished with only 10 episodes. It’s based on a book series by George R. R. Martin. It is set in a quasi-medieval fantasy world with plenty of intrigue, politics, and fantastic characters. If you don’t have HBO, keep an eye open for the day they release this on DVD. I hate that I have to wait until spring 2012 for the next season.

Ron’s guilty pleasure is “America’s Got Talent.” I CAN”T STAND IT! Sometimes I am sucked into watching it because there is nothing else on TV and I need mindless entertainment. Some of the acts on this show are asinine or ridiculous or both, but Ron loves it. At least David Hasselhoff is no longer judging. I will admit that they will end up with a few truly talented acts, but in the end, the most talented act NEVER wins – America votes and gets it wrong every time. However, that's just my opinion. The winner of this show gets to headline a Las Vegas show and I'm sure they get some $, but I find it pretty silly.

1 comment:
Well, reading a book (or two) is certainly not the worst thing you could do. I could make some recommendations, depending on your taste.
Movies? I just watched a Netflix disc called Prime (2005). A romance/comedy with an unpredictable ending, but the leads have the show stolen from them by Meryl Streep, who plays an analyst. She is absolutely hilarious.
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