Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tick...tick... tick....

2011 is almost over...

The last couple of weeks have gone by in a blur in part because that's just the nature of the holidays and also because I've been sick. So this morning as we were doing some of our normal Saturday morning chores and errands, it occurred to me that it's New Year's Eve. What?! Yup - the last day of the year and I'm not ready!!

I've got to start thinking about my resolutions. Then to write about my Top 10 Movies of 2011. So much to do! One thing is for certain - Ron and I have decided to ring in the new year at east coast time with 2/3rds of our children. We would NEVER make it to midnight our time. Heck - we might not make it to 9! I will let you know how we did...

1 comment:

Don Meyer said...

Well at least you got to New Year's eve, and your computer. I'm betting you made it it to 2012!

I nearly made it to midnight, Chicago time.