Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fabulous February

There are so many reasons that I love February not the least of which is that it's not January any more. After all the warmth, color and excitement of the holidays, January just seems to drag on and on. I do get to celebrate the birthdays of 3 of my favorite people in the world in January, but so soon after Christmas, it's always a challenge to come up with any kind of fantastic gift idea for Ron, Mandi and Beckie. Besides that, it's cold in January. No, not Minnesota cold, but cold enough to be uncomfortable and not want to play outside.

Even if the groundhog did see his shadow this year (did he? I didn't hear...), February is still just that much closer to spring and the beautiful temperate weather California is famous for. Not to mention all the fun and exciting events that this month brings.

Even if you are not a football fan or if your team doesn't happen to be in the big game, there's always the half-time show and the commercials to look forward to...This year, it was an EXCELLENT game, even if the 49ers didn't quite get it done. The half time show was pretty good and so were most of the commercials.  I'm still squirming about the commercial with the extended kiss between the model and the awkward young man...yech... Anyway, I can't remember the last time I watched the Superbowl all the way to the end - it was great!

The Grammy's are on the 10th this year. Although I've gotten to the age where I don't know many of the musicians nominated and I don't care for some of the music that is performed at the event, I still love to watch and see what everybody is wearing. I admit it - I am an awards show addict. Besides, from time to time, there will be an amazing performance of someone I'd never heard or seen before. I think that it was a Grammy's show where I first saw and heard Adele. Embarrassing, but true!

JB's birthday is this month. Although she is miles away, I am always grateful to think about how she changed my life when she came into the world and made me into the only thing I ever truly wanted to be...a mom. She will be 27 on the 12th! Where does the time go?

Ok, it's true that I have a troubled history with Valentine's Day. However, red is my favorite color and I love the way the stores decorate around this holiday. Even if Valentine's Day has been turned into a day that florists can charge 3 or 4 times the amount they usually do for a dozen roses or a day that you can't get into a restaurant unless you made a reservation weeks ago, I still like the idea of a day set aside for love and romance.

Thanks, George and Abraham! Who doesn't love a 3 day weekend?!

And last but not least, one of the reasons that I love February is the Academy Awards. This is MY Super Bowl every year. I can't wait to see all the movie stars dressed to the nines in their finest duds and their borrowed jewels. Yes, it's a bit silly, but I love it anyway. Ron and I still have a few movies to see before the winners are announced - not that it really matters, but we like to see all the nominated films before the big day. The show is on the 24th so we have a couple of weekends to see the rest of the movies.

As I am finishing up this post, the sun came out from behind the clouds. It's going to be a little bit warmer today. Warm enough to hop on my bike and get some exercise! Yes, I love February!


Don Meyer said...

Do you have a favorite for the Academy Awards?

I'm not that big a movie fan, but I do keep an eye on things.

Unknown said...

I'm leaning toward Les Miserables, but I wouldn't be unhappy if Argo or Lincoln wins.

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