Thursday, February 28, 2013

What would you do?

I was minding my own business shopping at Target today when I heard someone raising his voice.

"Would you just make up your mind!!" said the grumpy husband.
Well, I'm not sure if I should get this one or that one..." said the indecisive wife.
"I've had enough!! PICK ONE!" yelled the nasty husband.
"I just don't know..." said the wife (almost whimpering).
"OH, FOR GOD'S SAKE!! I'M LEAVING" screamed the very mean husband.

It was all I could do not to walk up to the woman, put an arm around her and say "Don't let him talk to you that way. Take all the time you need to decide..." But I didn't. Instead I rolled my cart away quickly and started looking down another aisle and out of earshot of the Bickersons.

Not 5 minutes later, I hear bickering again. But this time it was a different couple. I didn't listen long enough to hear what they were arguing about - I just decided it was time for me to be finished shopping. As I waited in line to check out, I thought about what had just happened. Both couples were older - well, older than me, anyway. I'm just assuming that they were married. Why would you put up with someone talking to you like that if you weren't married to him? All at once, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my husband. He never talks to me the way those husbands talked to their wives, although I'm sure that I have given him reason enough.

I don't know. Should I have said something to those grumpy old men and risked being told to mind my own business? It made me feel the same way I do when I hear a parent yelling at a child in public. Are we supposed to say something or mind our own business? What would you have done?

1 comment:

Don Meyer said...

I don't know. I tend to shy away from that sort of thing. I'm lucky in that Amalie and I thought so much alike that I don't remember ever being in that kind of situation.