Sunday, May 5, 2013

Iron Man 3 - catching up

What a great way to start the summer movie season! Ron and I took Viliamu to see Iron Man 3 today. We all really enjoyed it. Tony Stark's past came back to haunt him and that's all I will say - I will not ruin this movie for anyone else. Lots of action and suspense - some violence and fight scenes, but not bloody gory. Robert Downy, Jr. is one of my favorite actors and he does a great job with this character. Guy Pearce and Ben Kingsley are excellent as the villains for this movie. It passed The 6 year old attention span test! He sat still for the entire show. No Oscars for this movie, but it's a lot of fun!

I am a little behind telling you about some other movies that we've seen lately. With summer movies on the way, I thought it would be a good idea to get caught up. 

Ron and I went to see this Pain and Gain last week. Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne Johnson play real life criminals Daniel Lugo and Paul Doyle. In a lot of ways it's a funny move - funny strange not funny ha ha. During the entire movie I couldn't imagine that I was watching a true story, but apparently it is. There are some pretty gruesome things that take place in the telling of this story. I suppose it's a fair telling of the story, but I don't recommend it.

Yesterday we went to see The Big Wedding. I had heard some pretty bad reviews for this one, but I wanted to see it anyway. Robert Deniro, Diane Keaton, Susan Sarandon, Robin Williams were enough of a reason for me to see this  movie. I have to admit that it was incredibly predictable from start to finish and parts of it were pretty crass. We did laugh some, though, so it wasn't a total loss!

We finally got around to watching Gangster Squad on pay per view last week. It's very loosely based on a real gangster, Mickey Cohen. We had wanted to see it when it was in the theater, but it was one that got away from us. It's worth putting in your queue on Netflix if you like gangster films. Ryan Gosling is always easy on the eyes and Sean Penn is excellent as the brutal Mickey Cohen. We liked it.

Last but not least, we watched this movie last Friday night. This, too, is based on the true story of a family's experience and survival in the aftermath of the tsunami that hit Indonesia in 2004. Naomi Watts was nominated for an academy award for her performance in this film last year and it was well deserved. She was amazing in this. It was difficult to see what happened to the people in Thailand during this natural disaster. It's a good film - also worth putting in your queue.

I will do my best to keep up with my reviews. The Great Gatsby comes out next week and its next on our list.

1 comment:

Don Meyer said...

Well, now we know what you do with your spare time!

I've seen the reviews for PAIN & GAIN. Not good.