Friday, May 17, 2013


So far this is turning out to be the least favorite time of my life. I've been suffering through hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and some depression for about 6 months now. I hate it! It's awful feeling like I have no control over my body and moods. At least I've figured out why I've been so moody and mean lately. Most people who know me will be surprised to hear me say this because for the most part, I have been keeping the mean-ness to myself. You should hear the internal dialogue that goes on inside my head. Or maybe you shouldn't. Unfortunately, sometimes the mean me slips out and says things that I should keep to myself. For those who are unfortunate enough to be in my line of fire on the bad days, I humbly apologize.

I haven't been writing much lately. I've been feeling low and laying low. I have no energy and don't feel like doing anything. I'm watching too much bad TV and not exercising as much as I should. "Boo Hoo" and "Woe is me!"

I need a jump start or an attitude adjustment or SOMETHING! Luckily, I haven't been taking any of this out on Ron. I'm just so glad to see him when he comes home at the end of the day, I can't imagine snapping at him. I'll be so glad when this horrible phase of my aging is over. It sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself, doesn't it? I guess I do a bit, but I shouldn't, should I? I'm lucky to be alive and I need to remind myself of that from time to time!

1 comment:

Don Meyer said...

Oh, you're allowed.