Saturday, August 16, 2014


For several years I have been writing "Tales from an (almost) Empty Nest," but the truth is that we've been transitioning. When Beckie flew to New York to visit JB last week, I realized that for the first time ever Ron and I are here in California without any of our daughters. The nest is truly empty now and I'm trying to figure out how I feel about that.

Now that the girls are all doing their own things and living their own lives, it has occurred to us that we aren't tied to California anymore. Granted, we both have jobs here, but I suppose we could work anywhere. I'm not saying that we are hell-bent on leaving here, but the fact that the girls don't need us or a home base anymore opens us up to a new world of possibilities.

This new world includes a lot of work. First up, DOWNSIZING! We have started clearing the clutter, but there is so much more to do. The girls have accused me for years of being a hoarder. I have called myself a collector. Now that I'm having to deal with all of my "stuff" I think I'm starting to agree with the girls!We've lived in this house for 13 years and it's amazing how much stuff we've accumulated...sigh...

As we clear the clutter, we have also started doing little fix-it projects around the house. All this will lead us to be able to list the house for sale. After that, who knows?! We fix the house, sell the house and start looking for a new place to live. No big deal - just a little upheaval. I don't know - it's kind of exciting to think about everything that could be. I think I'm ready for something new.

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