Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Deconstructing Christmas

It's that time of year. I've started the tedious process of UN-decking the halls. It's my least favorite part of the holiday aftermath. So far I have painstakingly removed all the ornaments from all 8 decorated trees and have started to put them in their designated boxes and bins. Is there anything more forlorn looking than a naked Christmas tree? I feel very strongly about organizing my decorations by color and theme because it makes it so much easier when I decorate for the next Christmas. It is a little obsessive, but so am I when it comes to my trees and decorations. 

I have just finished filling a big plastic bin with all my white and silver and snowflake ornaments - filled it to the top because I haven't yet met a snowflake I didn't like. It's one of my "things." I have another bin dedicated to my Santa collection - also filled to the top - I LOVE all things Santa as well. Packing up the stockings, tree skirts and silk poinsettias and the rest of my Christmas this and that...it's time.
What a mess!
Usually I dread January. Everything seems so empty and dull after all the decorations are down and stored safely back into their bins. This year is different. I am excited for all the new things that will happen this month...yoga classes, volunteer work and hey, truthfully, I'm just happy to be alive. 

Today I'm especially happy - it's Ron's birthday and I'm making a special dinner and his favorite cake. Simple pleasures are the best.