Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I waited longer than usual this winter to get my flu shot. I just kept forgetting (I had a lot of things on my mind!). Every year I am told by healthcare professionals that I should get a flu shot especially with a compromised immune system like mine. I've been fairly isolated from other people and random germs for most of the winter, but since I'm starting a yoga class soon and hopefully some volunteer work, I decided I'd better get down to getting that flu shot.

On Monday, I got the shot.

Today is Wednesday. I woke up with a headache, slight sore throat and have been sneezing. Granted, that sounds more like a cold than the flu, but the bottom line is that I feel crummy. Is it a coincidence? I will have to say that I was triple-whammied over the last three days with exposure to germs from 3 different people who weren't feeling well when they came to visit. I'm not naming any names because I love them all and they didn't mean to give me their crud.

So, today I'm gonna lay low, get some rest, drink a lot of fluids and keep my fingers crossed. Believe me when I say that I have lost all patience for illness. I don't have time to be sick ANYMORE!!!