I got a beautiful, brand new Nikon D3100 for Christmas last month. I had had my Nikon D50 since 2005 - it was getting old, the batteries weren't holding a charge and, truth be told, I dropped it a couple times. Oops! I was lucky that it hadn't stopped working altogether.
The new camera is much like the old one - I have always been partial to Nikon - even when I was shooting with a 35mm camera and film. Remember film? Anyway, the new camera obviously has more bells and whistles than the old camera, so when I got an email from Keeble & Shuchat (an amazing business in Palo Alto that sells all kinds of photographic equipment and even has processing services), advertising some photography classes, I decided "Yeah. Why not?" Now that I have this fancy new camera, I might as well get the most out of it, right?
The class was called "Basic Photography" and was advertised as "designed for the beginner - basic, but informative." Basic? Sure it was. ( I am being sarcastic here). Last Saturday I attended the class. I was surprised by how many people signed up for the class and felt pretty good that I wasn't the only one that needed a basic class...this was just until the other people started asking questions including words like aperture, f-stop, ISO...huh? My saving grace with this camera is that it has an Auto function that makes it as easy as a "point and shoot." But why have a camera that I don't know how to use? I sat through the 2 hour class and did get a little out of it - I learned how to use some of the different modes on the camera so that was good. The best thing that I found out was that the instructor gives private 1 hour lessons!
Guess who has a private lesson scheduled for a week from Friday?! Hopefully, I will start turning out much better photos afterwards...and there is a "Fundamentals of Photography" class coming up next month that I'd like to take...