Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tick...tick... tick....

2011 is almost over...

The last couple of weeks have gone by in a blur in part because that's just the nature of the holidays and also because I've been sick. So this morning as we were doing some of our normal Saturday morning chores and errands, it occurred to me that it's New Year's Eve. What?! Yup - the last day of the year and I'm not ready!!

I've got to start thinking about my resolutions. Then to write about my Top 10 Movies of 2011. So much to do! One thing is for certain - Ron and I have decided to ring in the new year at east coast time with 2/3rds of our children. We would NEVER make it to midnight our time. Heck - we might not make it to 9! I will let you know how we did...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

One week to go!

Back in the old days, I LOVED to go Christmas shopping. It was so exciting to me to be out in the stores, hunting down the perfect gift for each person on my list - and what joy when I did find it! Better than that was shopping with my cousin Kevin. 

When we lived in El Paso, I had the most fantastic shopping buddy. No one else I know loves to shop as much as Kevin. We would arm ourselves with shopping lists and coupons and hit the ground running. Imagine our delight when the department stores and toy stores started staying open until midnight. It was a real test of endurance to keep up with him as he left no sale un-turned! I remember complaining to him that I was exhausted or that my feet were bleeding , (I was exaggerating, of course), but he always had one more stop to make.

Then it was back to the house for coffee or hot chocolate and the Carpenter's Christmas Album while we talked and wrapped the presents late into the wee hours of the morning. By then we were soooooo tired and punchy that we would laugh until we cried. I miss you, Kubby. Christmas shopping has never been the same without my best shopping buddy.

Due to circumstances beyond my control, this year's shopping is happening during this last week before Christmas. I did a little bit of cyber shopping early on, but am left with several major items to purchase this week. It will have to be done in the evenings after work. I do have another fabulous shopping helper in my sweet husband. Although Ron doesn't have the patience to walk alongside me as I consider my purchases, he will call me every hour or so and arrange for a pick up. Under strict instructions not to look inside the bags, he will meet me wherever I am and pick up my packages so I am free to move around a little easier as I continue my search. 

Ron is a very deliberate shopper. When he is hunting down an item, he loves to do A LOT of comparison shopping. He will go to at least 3 different places to look for one thing! I don't have the patience or the energy for that. I will tell you that I am usually the very appreciative beneficiary of his expeditions. He does a great job!

Anyway, Christmas is one week away and I have a lot to do. It's going to have to be done in the evenings after work. I'm older now and don't have quite the energy and enthusiasm for holiday shopping that I did when the girls were little and I had Kevin to drag me on to the next store. I'm sure I will manage or maybe I really will shop till I drop...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Halls are Decked!

I spent a leisurely day resting a bit and then decided to take the bull by the horns - my house needed to be clean and my Christmas decorations had to be put up. I focused and got it done. Usually it takes me a week to get all my trees up and all the decorations in place. This time it took me just two days.One day last weekend and the better part of today. Mind you, I only put  up 2 big trees and 2 small trees at home this year, but I think it's enough. 

Here is evidence of my Christmas tree therapy...

Purple and Gold Avenidas Tree

Snowflake Tree at Work

White Tree at Work
Nature Tree

Wild Thing's Tree 

Entry Way Tree

Kermit's Tree

Santa Collection
 There you have it. I am set for the holidays....except for Christmas shopping, writing my Christmas letter, mailing Christmas gifts, sending out the Christmas cards and making Christmas cookies. Or maybe I should just put up another tree instead.

Quick Reviews

I am not going to waste a lot of words on New Year's Eve - a collection of incomplete and uninteresting stories. Director Gary Marshall rounded up quite a few very good actors and crammed them into a very bland movie. The best part about it was that it was set in NYC. What surprised me the most was that so many GREAT actors agreed to be in something so mediocre - Robert Deniro, Halle Barry, Michelle Pfeiffer, Hillary Swank, Hector Elizando - what were you all thinking? 

Bottom line - Skip it. Really.

The Twilight Saga is one of my guilty pleasures. I admit it. I have read the entire series of books 3 times. It was a great read if you like teenage vampires, werewolves and a compelling love story. When I read the series I knew that the last book was going to be difficult to adapt into a movie for teens. I figured that it was going to be difficult to watch. It was. Parts of it were downright awful. I won't describe it here.

So they divided the last book into two parts. This movie was a necessary evil. It had to be made to get to the end of the story. So here is my recommendation - if you are a fan of the books and movies - you should probably see it. If you are squeamish, you can close your eyes during the icky parts. OR maybe you can skip Breaking Dawn Part 1 and wait for Part 2 to come out. Maybe some things are better left to the reader's imagination.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Family Films

Another wonderful thing about this time of year is the family movies that are released. Wild Thing wanted to see The Muppets last weekend so we took him. He chose wisely!

There were lots of old Muppet gags and multiple surprise cameos. The story line was sweet and the movie ended with a famous Sesame Street song. The only thing that is hard for me is that they have never found a good enough replacement voice for Kermit. I still get very sad about the loss of Jim Henson (Kermit's real daddy and voice).

Otherwise, it's worth going to see this movie - especially if you have a 5 year old to entertain - Wild Thing actually sat still for this movie.

We took Beckie to see this movie a couple of weeks ago. I am not sure exactly how to describe it. It was beautifully filmed and the young actor who played Hugo was brilliant - his acting was amazing and his big blue eyes reeled me in completely.

The story was not at all what I expected, but I didn't know what to expect. It was a little bit slow for me. We opted to see it in 2D instead of 3D. The characters were colorful and interesting. I think I need to see the movie again but in 3D this time.

My bottom line - the movie was good, but not as good as some of the critics are claiming. But I guess that's a matter of opinion, huh?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's the most wonderful (stressful) time of the year!

We are one week into December and this is my first post of the month. You would think that means that nothing much is going on or at least nothing worth writing about is happening. That is so NOT TRUE. Most of it – I just can’t write about now. Suffice it to say I feel that I am “under the gun” all the time. ALL.THE.TIME.

I’m not quite “Grinch-y” or “Scrooge-y”, but I have had a hard time getting into the holiday spirit this year. I am tired.

What seems to be helping me is some Christmas Tree Therapy. I love Christmas trees and over the years I have collected enough ornaments and trees to deck many halls. So far I have put up and decorated 3 trees at work and 2 trees at home. For some people – this is too much. For me, it’s therapy. I love the glitter and the sparkle of it all. Here is my red, white and green tree complete with with stuffed animals - it's for the Wild Thing!

I haven't decided how many trees I am going to put up at home this year - I guess it will depend on how much therapy I need! I will try to post pictures as I complete each tree...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Descendants

As far as movies are concerned, it's a very happy time of the year for me. Apparently, the studios save the really good movies for the holiday season and the end of the year so that Academy voters will remember the films as they decide who will be nominated for Oscars. To me it means that we will have the opportunity to see some GOOD movies.

The Descendants definitely falls in this category. Admittedly, I would watch just about ANYTHING with George Clooney in it - hey, I would probably watch him brush his teeth if given the opportunity! Even so, he is an exceptional actor and did a fantastic job in this film. I don't remember seeing a movie that he showed this much vulnerability. When he cried, I did, too.

All the actors in this film were good. Besides George, Shailene Woodley really stood out for playing his difficult, foul-mouthed teenage daughter. This is a very honest, emotional movie and some scenes were difficult to watch...for instance, when George's character angrily confronts his comatose wife for her infidelity - he was so upset, I was afraid he might hit her - he did not.

The story is set on some the islands of Hawaii - Oahu, Kauai, and the Big Island so there are some beautiful scenes which make an interesting backdrop for this story. It's hard to describe this movie - it's not a feel good story, but there are many funny moments. It's not quite a tragic story, but there are obviously some very sad situations in it. It's all very touching and real.

My bottom line - I loved it and I heartily recommend it.

Come Fly With Me

I've had a lot of time on airplanes this year and I would like to salute the flight attendant and bring attention to what seems like a thankless job.
Back in the old days they were called stewardesses. At some point, that title became politically incorrect. Now the correct term is “flight attendant” and that is probably more accurate. These ladies (and occasionally a gentleman) attend to the needs of everyone on the plane. It was probably much more glamorous in the beginning when airline travel was an event and a luxury. People were quite civilized and even dressed up to fly.

These days, flying is routine and everyone is in a hurry to get where they are going.  Most people look presentable when they get to the airport, but I have noticed that more people are looking like they forgot to set their alarms, had to roll out of bed and race to make their flights.

Although people rarely pay attention anymore, the flight attendant shows us where the exits are, demonstrates how to inflate the flotation device, shows us how to place the oxygen mask on our faces and how to put on our seat belts. I know how to do all these things, of course, but it just seems rude not to pay attention. She/He serves drinks and snacks and then has to clean up after messy travellers. Most of them do this with a smile on their face. If it were me, I’m sure I’d lose my patience with the folks who have to be told more than once to power down their laptops, iPads, cell phones or who don’t pay attention when the captain says to remain seated or buckle up.

We fly on Southwest Airlines more than any other and what I have noticed is that these flight attendants generally have a better sense of humor than those employed by other airlines. I guess that means that Southwest is a good company to work for – I don’t know for sure but that’s what I imagine. Otherwise, how could a person stand to be trapped in a flying metal tube all day with crying babies, loud children, inconsiderate, messy adults while serving them snacks and drinks with a smile on her/his face? I know they are paid to do it, but they deserve a "thank you" for a job well done.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


After our last meal in NYC - one last photo
It was a great trip. I asked Ron if we could stay just one more day because I didn't want to stay good-bye to my kids. It was time to come home, though. They need to get back to their lives and so do we, but it was so good to see them and to see that they are thriving. It makes a mama proud!

The absolute worst part of coming home was the flight. We got to LaGuardia at 3pm (noon our time). Our flight left shortly after 5 pm. Short flight to Baltimore - about 1 1/2 hours. Then a 1 1/2 hour layover - we ate and got on another plane. This leg of the trip was 3 hours 45 minutes to Denver...sigh..... The plane landed and we sat in Denver for about an hour. We stayed on the same plane and off again for another almost 3 hour flight to Oakland.  Picked up our bags, grabbed a cab and got home shortly after midnight.

Total travel time about 12 hours. Cheese and Rice! Next time, whatever the cost, it will be a direct flight!

It was worth it, though. It was a wonderful trip. Great place for a family reunion - fantastic shows - amazing food - terrific sightseeing. We got to see a little bit of The Big Apple preparations for Christmas and New Year's as well.

Merry Christmas, New York! Thanks for a great time!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 5 in NYC - Happy Thanksgiving!

Today was our last full day in New York - this makes me so sad, but I know that it's time to go home. We are going to be flying back home tomorrow and getting in late. I will need the rest of the weekend to do laundry and recuperate.

Ron and I watched the parade from the warmth and comfort of our hotel room. It was cold and crowded and we were happy to not to be outside. Sorry to have disappointed anyone.

Our Thanksgiving day was lovely. jb and Causten found a nice restaurant in the East Village called The Back Forty. By the time we needed to go to the restaurant for our meal, the weather had warmed up considerably. The sun was shining and there was just a light breeze in the air. The subway wasn't crowded at all and there was hardly any foot traffic. There ended up being 10 of us for a late, Ron, jb, Causten, Mandi, Beckie, Rob, Rita, Martin and Zach. The company was great and the meal was fantastic! Some traditional fare with a few twists.

We stopped in a little secret garden to take a few family photos before we made our way back to the subway. I think I got a good one for the family Christmas card. Later,we went back to jb, Causten and Mandi's apartment for some delicious desserts prepared by Causten. We played charades, watched the cats' antics and enjoyed each other's company. The only thing that ended the day for me was that the allergy pill started to wear off and I could feel myself getting itchy and wheezy.

So goofy
Desserts by Causten
Back at the hotel, Ron arranged for a late check-out and here we are - ready for some rest. We have a date with the kids for brunch tomorrow and then we'll be heading back to LaGuardia. We are scheduled to land in Oakland at11:45 pm. You probably won't hear from me for a few days....

Happy Thanksgiving from New York everyone! Thanks for a great visit, jb, Causten and Mandi. See you again soon, we hope.

Day 4 in NYC - Harry Potter Can Dance!

Another full day in the Big Apple! We took our time getting out the door today...we were not looking forward to another day in the cold and rain. Ron and I have really started to get the hang of the subway system so we decided to head down to see Mandi at work. Her office is in the CBS building in the Gramercy area of Manhattan. Since we are still in search for the perfect New York pizza, we went to Little Italy to Lombardi's to test it. It was quite delicious!
Make sure to get extra sauce!
After pizza, we rode the train back to Columbus Circle having to transfer trains. Mandi has only been here since late September but seems to have gotten the hang on the subway system. I must say, she appears to have adjusted to NYC pretty seamlessly. Anyway, we joined the crush of people to see the big balloons for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as they were the inflated. It's almost as big as deal as the parade itself. Streets are closed and NYPD direct traffic - it was a crush of humanity.
Sonic the Hedgehog
As the balloons are blown up, they remain tethered close to the ground and some are moored with netting. The crowd was pretty orderly and in good spirits. Since we saw the the balloons being blown up, we decided to skip going to the actual parade. (I am actually writing this while watching the parade on TV - it's only 37 degrees out there!)  
Snoopy coming to life
After going to see the balloons, it was time to get back on the train and head down to the theater district. We ate at the Shake Shack (good burgers and shakes but not as good as Five Guys). Then it was off to the Al Hirschfield Theater to see Daniel Radcliffe (aka Harry Potter) in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. You know what? Harry Potter can really SING and DANCE! Truly! 

After the show, we waited outside to maybe get an autograph or a photo, but there was a throng of young girls waiting at the stage door as well. There was no chance that we were going to get anywhere near him. However, we waited and were rewarded...we got to see Joan and Melissa Rivers as they left the theater and got into their chauffered black SUV - they came to see the show as well. The moment of truth arrived  - the stage door opened and Daniel came out, waved and was escorted right to his waiting car. No photos, no autographs, nothing. The little girls were quite disappointed, but in Daniel's defense, that was his second show of the day AND he had to go home and rest because he had to get up and perform at the parade. I forgive him.
Joan and Melissa Rivers
Today we will meet up with everyone and have Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant in the East Village. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 3 in NYC - RAIN!!!

I'll bet you didn't know that every time we go on vacation I have some kind of a mishap. The good news is that I've only fallen down and dropped my camera once during this trip so far! Better yet, my camera is still functioning and I didn't twist my ankle or break any bones. Yes, I hurt my pride, scraped and bruised my elbow, but it didn't slow me down...too much...

After he picked me up off the ground, Ron and I went to Rockefeller Center to see the progress on the Christmas tree there. Here is a photo of the the tree.
the scaffolding allows the workers to decorate the tree safely...great idea!

After that, we walked from 50th St. all the way up to 80th on the eastern edge of Central Park to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was coolish and sprinkling rain but it was worth it. Here are just a few things we saw...

by Pablo Picasso

also by Picasso


jewelry as art!

Jackson Pollock
There were so many more beautiful works of art that I wasn't able to photograph. It was overwhelming! We just didn't have enough time there in the Museum. I think a person could spend a week in there to truly enjoy what the Met has to offer.

The worst part of going there was that as we left, it was raining. Not a downpour or a driving rain, just steady. We couldn't catch a cab to save our lives...we had no umbrella...but on we walked! All the way back down to 49th St. where we met up with Rob & Rita, jb & Causten for dinner. The twinkies were on their own tonight. We ate at Del Frisco's - great steak place! Delicious dinner.

After dinner, Ron and I took jb to see Godspell. This is a very special show for us because jb & I were in a local production of Godspell in 1985. Yes, I was pregnant with her at the time! As a true lover of musical theater, jb has known the music from this show for years but had never seen it live. It was absolutely wonderful! 

After the show, we trudged to the subway and took the train back to our hotel - got back there soaking wet. When we walked into the hotel lobby, we saw about 50 red umbrellas with the hotel logo on them hanging there waiting to be used. Where were they when we were heading out this morning?! Humpf!

Tomorrow, jb and Mandi get off from work early, we are to see the balloons being blown up for the parade, see Daniel Radcliffe (aka Harry Potter) in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying and maybe do a little souvenir shopping. Any requests?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 2 in NYC - Remembering

Because we spent most of yesterday on the go, we were a bit tired and didn't get as early a start as we would have liked today. We did go ahead and ride the train instead of walk down to the financial district. Causten was kind enough to make reservations for Ron and I to get into the 9/11 Memorial at 3:30 pm. That gave us plenty of time to get down to the site. It was a very emotional experience to to be there and to see the memorial. This was the second time we have been to Ground Zero since the bombing of the Twin Towers. Construction is moving right along, but I am surprised that there isn't more completed.

The fountains in the footprints of the towers and the names of those lost in bronze were quite overwhelming. It was as emotional for me (although maybe in a different way), as the Vietnam War Memorial in D.C. I will look forward to going back every time we visit NYC to see how much more progress is made on this beautiful tribute.

Mandi and jb got off work around the time we were finished so we all went to jb and Causten's apartment on the upper upper west side of Manhattan  - Hamilton Heights. They have a nice apartment on the 4th floor of a walk-up. They have done a very nice job maximizing the space and decorating - just lovely. We also got to meet their 4 - legged "kids" named Luna and Thundercat - their kitties.

We had a wonderful meal at a fantastic restaurant in their neighborhood called Covo. Everything was delicious. After dinner, we all decided that we were all too tired to do anything else. We caught a cab back to our hotel and jb , Causten, Mandi & Beckie took a cab back to the apartment.

Time for sleep now. Day 3 is going to be a busy one!

Our 1st full day in NYC

On the High Line
Before we hit the ground running for our second full day in the big city, I just wanted to give a brief accounting of what we have done since we landed at LaGuardia.

First of all, our flight landed 30 minutes early. We must have had a good tailwind! I have to say that after all the flying we have done this year, LaGuardia wins the award for getting our luggage to baggage claim the fastest. Pleasant surprise!

Next was a "brisk" cab ride to our hotel - the cab driver only almost ran over someone crossing the street twice! Yes, I wore my seatbelt, but Beckie sat there grinning from ear to ear. Ron didn't seem to notice anything wrong as he was taking in the scenery and chatting with the cabbie!

We met Mandi, jb and Causten at our hotel and set off to have dinner. Coppola's Italian Restaurant gave us a nice place to chat and one by one go around the table and fill each other in on what's been going on in our lives since we were last all together. It is so good to be able to just sit and look at their faces!

Since we weren't ready for bed, we decided to see a movie (review when I get back home). At this point the 3 hour time difference was definitely to our advantage. We went to see Breaking Dawn Part 1. That certainly gave us more to talk about! After the movie, the kids headed off to their apartment with Beckie in tow. Ron and I are staying at a hotel on 76th and Broadway called On The Avenue. Some sleep was in order. We went to bed at 3 am EST.

After some much needed sleep, we got ourselves together and headed out to enjoy the city. It was a beautiful day - sunny and a bit cool - a perfect NY day. Ron and decided to walk down Broadway to the theater district so that we could see what shows we might be able to see. We also stopped in to a few souvenir shops and the biggest Disney Store I've ever seen.

The kids met up with us and we went to a great pizza joint called John's Pizzeria. Delicious! More great conversation with the family. jb then suggested a walk on the High Line. We walked through Hell's Kitchen and went to a flea market on our way there. The High Line is a walkway and park built on an old freight line. An interesting view of the West Side of Manhattan. At the end of our walk we ducked into the Chelsea Market for lattes and baked goodies.

Empire State Building as seen from the High Line

Next it was time to hop on the train back to the Imperial Theater to see Billy Elliot - The Musical. We all enjoyed the show - but I LOVED IT! Very talented kids in it.will add this to the list of reviews I will post when we get back to the West Coast.

It had been a long day - so it was back to the subway to catch a train back to the hotel. I wish I had been wearing a pedometer to record how many miles we walked! I have to say that my Skechers Shape Ups are doing a great job - my feet didn't hurt after all that walking! Still haven't seen jb and Causten's apartment, but maybe we will do that today. Our plans today include more sightseeing and going to the 9/11 Memorial. Mandi and jb are both working today, so we will meet up with them later.

I should get up and get dressed now. Time to get Day 2 underway!

Undressing In front of strangers?

I was eleven years old the first time I flew on an airplane. It was June 1973. My sisters and I flew by ourselves from Indiana to Texas to spend the summer with our cousins. Mom dressed the 3 of us in matching dresses for the trip – red polka dotted fabric - we were so cute! Getting on the plane was only a concern because we were so young (I was 11, Ginger was 8 and Stef was 2 ½ years old) and we were flying without parents. Mom was able to take us all the way to our seats on the plane to make sure we got where we needed to be. I don’t remember security being a big ordeal.  

Airline travel is so much different now. Security is an incredible obstacle course and getting through it can be exhausting. Part of this has to do with how much “stuff” you bring with you and how well dressed you are. Technically, you are allowed to bring a carry-on bag and a personal item. Usually, I bring a backpack (my purse inside it) and a camera bag. Once you check your bags, the next step is to get into an incredibly long line at security. The TSA agents have apparently been told to ‘chat up’ the travellers because now they try to make small talk complete with witty repartee about where you are flying to as they check your credentials. That’s fine, but then comes the fun part.

You must undress right there in front of fellow travellers and TSA agents. I’m not talking about getting naked, but what you have to submit to these days to get on a plane is humbling and certainly can take you out of your comfort zone.

Take off your shoes. A crazy guy once smuggled a bomb onto a plane in his shoe. Thankfully, he was unsuccessful detonating it, but now everyone’s shoes have to be especially screened. Thanks a lot, Crazy Guy! Your best bet here is to wear slip-ons of some sort. I am always surprised when I see a woman with strappy stiletto-heeled sandals trying to balance on one foot while attempting to unbuckle the other shoe. My advice – make sure you don’t have holes in your socks and wear the loafers. It will definitely save you some time.

Next, take off your jacket and/or sweater. I guess you might be able to conceal something underneath your jacket that you aren’t supposed to bring on a plane. The only thing that I am trying to hide is how overweight I am.

Now, remove your belt, watch and heavy jewelry that might set off the metal detector. If you have brought your laptop with you, you must also undress it and take it out of its case. Now you may proceed through the metal detector without making the machine go off.

Many airports now have the special body scanning machines that you must step into while it scans you for contraband. You step into it in your socks, raise your hands over your head and the scanner goes around your body so that the TSA agents can see what your birthday suit looks like. Sometimes even the x-ray isn’t enough to guarantee that a person is safe to get on a plane so he might need to be patted down. I have been though all of this on several occasions and I must tell you that it’s quite degrading.

Once you have been cleared and deemed safe to travel, you have to hurry to the other side of the conveyor belt to collect all your belongings and get dressed as people behind you wait for you to get out of the way. Cheese and rice, what an ordeal.

I only fly for pleasure – never on business, so I will go through whatever processes necessary to get me to the next family reunion, wedding, graduation or vacation. I do understand the rationale behind all the security precautions – the world is a different place than it was when I flew with my little sisters in our matching dresses without our parents. I understand that it’s the price we have to pay to make sure that we are safe. I only wish that I didn’t feel a bit violated every time I leave my little corner of the world.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Taking a bite....

"Start spreading the news...."

We are leaving today (in just a few hours) for "The Big Apple." This will be the 5th time I've been to NYC, but I've never been this excited about going. This is because we are flying there to see jb & Mandi. Beckie is flying with us so that means that the Beeson 5 will be together for Thanksgiving! This is also the least prepared I have been to take a trip. I only finished packing a few minutes ago...if I have forgotten anything I suppose I can manage without it or buy a replacement there.

I better sign off and get some sleep. I will try to blog during the trip, but I can't promise. Maybe we'll get a WiFi plane!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Golden Girls of Houston (formerly of Magnolia)

People have been asking me how Mom is doing these days, and it has occurred to me that I haven't given an update on her and Aunt Esther for a while.

It's been a little more than 2 months since they were forced to evacuate the house in Magnolia before it burned down. Well, I am very happy to tell you that they are just fine! They found a nice rental house in Houston just 3 miles from Robbie & Maggie. It's been a lot of work for them as they have had to start completely from scratch. That means they have had to shop for and purchase every stick of furniture, every dish, every towel...every THING that goes into making a house complete. Some people might enjoy the opportunity to re-do their decor and do all that shopping...just remember that these two ladies are in their 70's. Aunti has done the majority of the "heavy lifting"in the shopping department since Mom's energy level is pretty limited - she is amazing.

It's been exhausting for them, but it's just about done. They are settling into their new home and learning their way around the new neighborhood.  They are getting comfortable in their new digs.

The other day I caught myself before asking Mom to take some pictures of the new house....she hasn't bought a new camera yet. I think I have a good idea for a Christmas gift for them....

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ready or Not...

The last thing I should be doing on this Saturday morning is sitting in bed, watching Game Day on ESPN and blogging. I have got way to much to do. But here I sit.

Part of my laziness is justifiable. I am just one week past the flu. Besides that, Saturday morning is when I try to recuperate from what has been a busy and stressful work week. Unfortunately, this has been one of busiest and most stress-filled weeks I've had in a long time. More hard times coming our way at work. All this at my busiest time as an activity coordinator - smack in the middle of holiday season. I LOVE this time of year, but at times it's feels like I could disappear in the Bermuda Triangle of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

The week ahead looks even busier than last, but hopefully NOT as stressful. I also have to start packing our suitcases because we are flying to New York in just one week to spend Thanksgiving with our girls. So much to do! I can already feel my blood pressure rising.

I guess I'd better get out of bed, huh?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Get a flu shot...get the flu?

On November 1st, I went to my doctor for a check up and requested a flu shot.
"Sure," said Dr. Zhang. "You should also have a pneumonia shot."
"Yes. You only need one every 5 years. Have you had one?"

Okay, so I had a flu shot AND a pneumonia shot - one needle in each arm. That was Tuesday. Yesterday I woke up with a very sore arm (the pneumonia shot side), a horrible headache, a crummy tummy (I will leave out the gory details) and I couldn't get warm. Did the shot give me the flu? I don't know. What I do know is that feeling like this is no fun. Besides that,  I don't like letting people down.

Guess I didn't beat the bug.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

5 years of Halloween with a Wild Thing

I have known Viliamu Keopulani Baker-Kline since before he was born and have loved him with all my heart from the moment I first saw him. He is a beautiful, joyous, mischievous, intelligent, energetic and loving boy. Here is a retrospective of him in his Halloween costumes since he was born (With the exception of his Tigger costume, the rest have been gifts from me and Buddy, because we couldn't resist!). I can't wait to see what the next 5 years hold in store. We love you, Viliamu!

2006 - Tigger - 2 weeks old

2007 - Elmo - 1 year old

2008 - Dinosaur - 2 years old

2009 -Astronaut - 3 years old

2010 - Woody - 4 years old

2011 - Green Army Man - 5 years old