Saturday, April 23, 2011

Arthur 2011

Sometimes spur of the moment decisions don't work out as well as we hope. With our chores done for the day and Mandi and Beckie out doing their own things this evening, Ron and I decided to drop over to the theater to see if we could catch a movie. We got there and there were 2 that we could see - Arthur or Limitless. We should have just gotten back in the car and come home. Instead, we bought tickets to see Arthur.

Yes, we read and heard the reviews that said the movie was not good. We hoped that they were exaggerating...sadly, they were not. The original movie was sweet and charming and came out 30 years ago. Arthur 2011 had none of the charm even though they tried to recycle many of the original jokes. Russell Brand is no Dudley Moore and it was sad to see Jennifer Garner reduced to the role of the mean fiance. Nick Nolte made a brief appearance here as well - just awful. The only actor I enjoyed was Helen Mirren.

So the bottom line here is if you have seen the original, absolutely skip the remake.

1 comment:

Don Meyer said...

Thank you for the review. I won't put 'Arthur' on my Netflix list.