Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Psychology of Aging

I am almost 49 years old, but tomorrow I am going back to school. Granted it's only a once a week evening class at a local community college, but I will be sitting in a classroom, listening to a lecture, maybe taking notes, and probably taking a midterm and a final exam....school.

What's funny about this is that after I graduated from Ball State University way back in 1984, I swore that I was done with school. I almost dropped out after my junior year, in fact, but Ron insisted that I had gone that far so I HAD to finish. I'm glad that I did. However, a BSW hasn't done all that much for my career without having gone on for a Master's degree. At the time I was only concerned about being a wife and mother, so it didn't matter to me then. However, the kids have grown up and I'm ready to see if it's in me to consider going back to school for a Master's. At the very least, maybe I will get a Career Certificate in Gerontology. Who knows?!

So, I'm starting small...one class, one night each week, but after a full day at work. Am I crazy? Probably, but I am going to give it the "old college try." Fitting, isn't it? I will let you know how I do when the session ends at the end of June.

1 comment:

Don Meyer said...

Back to school, is it? I wish you the best of luck. I did most of my grad and all of my post grad work on a part time basis, and I used to kid my late wife that I married her in order to finish my education. She was with me the whole way!