Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy April!

It's the 4th day of April and already it's been quite an eventful month. I just got home from Houston where my sister, brother and I planned and successfully executed a surprise birthday attack for our mother's 70th birthday! She was truly surprised - it was all good!

I got home LATE last night since my original flight was canceled and I had to take a later flight. I'm glad I had the foresight to take a vacation day to recover. I slept in, unpacked my suitcase, posted all my photos on facebook and rested. Since I got my chores done, we even went to see a movie today. We saw The Adjustment Bureau. I have to say that Matt Damon is really growing on me. His chemistry with Emily Blunt was good and their relationship was compelling. The story was interesting and exciting - a bit of suspense. I even liked the way it ended. It won't be up for any awards but I'm glad to have seen it. I recommend it for the love story aspect.

We got home in plenty of time to watch the NCAA Championship Basketball game...unfortunately, the Butler Bulldogs came up a bit short after a very impressive showing in the tournament this year....what a heartbreaking game, right, Mandi?! Maybe next year...

Back to the real world and work tomorrow.

Did I tell you I'm going to take a class during spring session at Foothill College on Wednesday evenings? Wish me luck.


Don Meyer said...

A birthday ATTACK? I trust you didn't throw a cake at her.

What class will you be taking? And good luck!

Unknown said...

Hee hee...No, we didn't throw cake at her! But the way she screamed when she saw us would have made you think so!

Taking Psychology of Aging....and thanks for the good wishes!