Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Movie Reviews of 2009 - "Crazy Heart" & "It's Complicated"

Ron and I headed off to the city today to see "Crazy Heart" with Jeff Bridges. It was a little film about a down-on-his-luck alcoholic country singer. Jeff was amazing and did a wonderful job singing and playing the guitar. Maggie Gyllenhall was his MUCH younger love interest. She was ok, but I felt like they fell for each other a little too quickly and conveniently. It was just a little cliche, but I really was impressed by Jeff's acting - he does deserve a nomination.

A couple days ago we went to see "It's Complicated." We took Jenn and Beckie and Brandon. I don't think they appreciated it half as much as Ron and I did. It really was hysterical! Bec made some comment like "Pretty good for an old person movie..." Hard not to be offended by that little comment, but I think she meant it in a good way! Anyway, for those of you in my age range...go see it! It really is funny and sad - a little bittersweet...It didn't make my Top 10 movies of 2009, but I'll give it an honorable mention here.

Good-bye 2009

Time to reflect on the year and all that happened...hmmmm....

The first thing that comes to mind is that I spent the first half of the year exhausted and miserable at work. My kids were afraid to call me and ask how I was doing because the answer was always the same. It was no fun for Ron either because he hates not being able to fix difficult situations for me - not that he didn't try! He's pretty great about pitching in and doing all he can - it just wasn't fixable. On a positive note, the second half of the year was spent learning a new job and getting very comfortable there. So happy!

Although my Girlies all live away from home, I got to see them all several times - even Jenn who lives in DC was able to combine a couple business trips with side trips to see the 'rents. It was fun to get out to the east coast to see her in her new environment as well. We took a couple trips to Santa Barbara, too, to help Beckie and Mandi set up their new apartments. It's been quite a ride watching my 3 daughters develop as adults. The amazing thing is how much I like them. They are all so different from each other but are such interesting individuals and almost always a lot of fun to be around.

Ron and I spent the majority of our time together and have done a fairly good job of adjusting to being parents of adult children. We don't mind our empty nest too much because it doesn't stay empty for too long. Our Baby Hurricane (to be renamed "Wild Thing" in 2010 because he's getting to be a big boy now and not so much a baby anymore) was a big part of our lives. He is definitely keeping us young and enabling us to do things that we wouldn't do otherwise - why else would we go to Fairyland or the park or baseball games or the pumpkin patch or to animated Disney movies?

So now that the year is coming to a close, I have to also think about my are some in no particular order...
1. I did not lose any weight or get into shape - I didn't really try though. My stationery bike is serving as a clothes hanger right now.
2. I did not get to see or spend much time with family that is scattered over Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, New York and Germany. (you know who you are!).
3. Wish that there had been something I could have done to keep the ADHC from having to close. The sadness over that whole situation still overwhelming.
4. Wish I had been more organized at work and at home.
5. Wish I had started blogging sooner. No matter - I'm here now.

There are more, but I don't want to dwell on the negative. Onward and upward, right? Hmmm... that looks like the beginning of a list of New Year's resolutions! So, good-bye 2009 and bring it on 2010. Let's see whatcha got!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"Nine" & "Sherlock Holmes"

I've been having so much fun and playing with my girlies that I haven't had time to give you the scoop on the movies I have seen so far during the holiday. So here we go...

On Christmas day we unanimously decided to see "Nine." I was really impressed by how well the entire cast could sing - who knew that Penelope Cruz, Dame Judy Dench, Daniel Day-Lewis and even Sofia Loren could sing and so well?! (That was a relief because I still haven't gotten over Pierce Brosnan in "Mama Mia" - just awful!) The dance sequences were equally amazing - Penelope Cruz was HOT HOT HOT and naughty, Fergie really belted the "Be Italian" and did her sultry best, Kate Hudson reminded me of her mama Goldie Hawn in much younger days, Marion Cotillard was beautiful. Honestly, it was VERY well put together. However, for me it was lacking something and I really can't tell you what. Everyone else was pretty enthusiastic about it, but for some reason, something about it left me flat - maybe I should see it again...I do recommend it though - yes, go see it. We have to continue to support bringing musicals to the big screen.

Yesterday, we went to see "Sherlock Holmes." I have no reservations about telling you to go see this movie. If you are a fan of the old Sherlock Holmes movies, I think you will really enjoy the new twist on this old detective. Robert Downey, Jr. is wonderfully charming and funny as the very capable sleuth. Guy Ritchie did an excellent job directing this movie. The streets of London were never so gritty and cold. The fight sequences were really done well and the best part was that there were no guts spilling anywhere. Yes, there were some explosions, and several fight scenes, but I didn't feel that it was overdone. The relationship between Holmes and Watson was explained and that was a plus (even though I am NOT a fan of Jude Law he was very good as Dr. Watson and is definitely a keeper for these movies). Rachel McAdams was good but paled in comparison to Robert and Jude. This movie was GOOD and loads of FUN! Go see it!

Hoping to see "It's Complicated" today. Also, stay tuned for my best and worst list for 2009...coming soon....

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's the most hectic time of the year...

Another crazy weekend has passed as we hurtle towards the holidays. I decorated. I shopped. I wrapped. Fortunately, I was forced to slow down a bit after we picked up Baby Hurricane for a sleepover Saturday evening. I had been hearing that “The Princess and The Frog” was really good, so we asked Viliamu if he wanted to go to the movies. Of course he wanted to go see the “Toy Story” movie – he could watch Woody and Buzz 24 hours a day and 7 days a week! He was in good spirits, though, and was easy to convince that we should see a new movie.

He did really well at the theater, even though this wasn’t Disney’s best. I’ve gotten a bit spoiled by the Pixar movies. Baby got a little bored in the middle of the movie (that never happens with Buzz and Woody). I give the movie just a lukewarm recommendation.

Otherwise, Baby H was the highlight of my weekend. He was funny and charming as usual. The stuff that comes out of his mouth lately is really hysterical. After his bath, he wore his new Max suit pj’s (“Where the Wild Things Are”) and we read the book 3 times before he finally fell asleep. On Sunday we skyped with Mandi & Beckie after our regular biscuits & gravy breakfast, read the book again and had a very successful day with the potty. We played with cars and trucks and rolled around on the floor and sang songs. Then it was time to take him home. Before we left the house, he turned around and hugged me… really hugged me. I asked him, “What’s the matter, Baby? Why are you hugging me?” Without a second’s hesitation and very matter of fact-ly, he said “Because I love you.” It took everything I had in me not to turn into a weepy mess. I hugged him back and let him hug me til he was finished. I let the feeling wash over me. It pays to slow down and remember what’s really important during this hectic time of year.

Friday, December 11, 2009

This is one busy elf...

I should have posted a movie review this past Monday but I’ve been incredibly busy. The good news is that it’s been a very productive week for me. (Patting myself on the back now). I’m trying very hard to keep everything on an even keel this holiday season, but there are still things that HAVE to be done. Got the Christmas letter written and approved by all three girls. Cards got signed, addressed, stuffed with letters and photos and mailed on Monday. Big relief! I’m cutting back on some of the insanity that December usually is for me. The girls are all coming home before Christmas and there’s a certain amount of preparation that goes into a big visit. Thankfully, all three of them gave me permission to cut back on some of the decorations. This meant not putting up the 7.5 foot tree that is usually the centerpiece of the living room. That mean that I only put up six of my artificial trees instead of the usual 7 or 8! That’s a big step for me!

Anyway, I have started my shopping and am even mailing out a couple of packages today, thanks to my very helpful husband. I think it’s all going to be ok…(Big sigh…)

Here’s the movie review that should have been posted on Monday…

We were fortunate enough to be able to see a couple movies this past weekend. After work on Friday we headed up to San Francisco to see “Up in the Air.” This movie opened in limited release and SF was the closest place for us to see it. Besides, it gave us a chance to go to Holiday Lane at Macy’s (a Beeson Family tradition) and see the decorations at Union Square.
Anyway, I really enjoyed this movie. George Clooney is very good as the smooth termination specialist. He’s the guy that companies hire when they need to fire their staff and are too afraid to do it themselves – is there such a job? Nevertheless, he is very good at it and is also an expert at airline travel. The way I’m describing it doesn’t sound very interesting, but trust me when I tell you this movie is worth the price of the ticket. Anna Kendrick (Jessica from the Twilight movies) is surprisingly good as the new kid on the block who George’s character is forced to take under his wing. I’m not sure about all the Oscar buzz for this movie, but Ron and I both really enjoyed it.

On Saturday, we went to see “Everybody’s Fine.” This is not a movie for sad empty nest-ers. Robert Deniro is a man who is recently widowed and who is trying to connect with his four grown children. The kids all avoid him and lie to him albeit to protect him. The acting is good, but I needed more story, more background…I don’t know…more something. As I said, it was good, but stay away from this movie if you are sad about having an empty nest. Trust me.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Say it ain't so, Tiger!

Up until 6:55 am this morning, I was giving Tiger Woods the benefit of the doubt. Besides, what business is it of ours why he crashed his car - as long as he wasn't drinking and no one else was hurt? The media has been going crazy trying to find out what was going on at the Woods residence. I didn't believe that there was anything that we needed to know.

Then listening to the news this morning, I heard the voicemail message where he asks his mistress/lover/whatever she is to him to take her name off the phone because his wife saw her name in his phone - oh, whatever. It was his voice and he sounded like a guy that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Crap.

I have to say I am really disappointed. That's my own fault, though. I am one of those people that put Tiger on a pedestal. I'm sure he's just as human as I am or anyone else. He makes mistakes just like ANYONE ELSE. But still, crap.

The real thing is that I am SICK SICK SICK of the media digging into things that aren't anybody else's business. I didn't really need to know that Tiger is fooling around any more than I need to know who Jennifer Aniston is dating these days. Who cares?! Why is it any of my business. It's not. But I guess as long as "Inquiring Minds" want to know, the stinking paparazzi and muck-raking reporters will continue to dig and snoop and dish these stories.

It just makes me sad. I'm grateful that his kids are too young to understand right now.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1st - Here we go!

The holidays are upon us. Well, the holidays are actually sitting right on top of me and trying to squash me flat! Don't get me wrong - I love this time of year, but it always kicks me in the butt. There are always 5 more things on my daily "to do" list than I can realistically get to, but I still have them there taunting me.

I woke up tired today. It will probably be that way until after Christmas when I get a whole week off from work. Right now there are decorations strewn all over the living room. (Viliamu helped me put up a Christmas tree last Sunday and the house hasn't recovered yet!) I also have to get my annual holiday letter written to put into my Christmas cards. Still need to find my Christmas card list and address the envelopes. Have started making a few gifts but haven't really made a shopping list yet. The list goes on and on, BUT -

I'm going to TRY to take it easy this year and not rush around too much. Going to TRY not to bite off more than I can chew. Going to TRY to go to bed when I am tired....yeah, sure I am....

Monday, November 30, 2009

"Old Dogs"

Because we wanted to see a movie that was light and happy on Thanksgiving, we went to see “Old Dogs.” It seemed harmless enough – Robin Williams and John Travolta in a family comedy…sounds like fun, right? WRONG!! What a mess of a movie. I don’t think it was good enough to even be on the Disney Channel. I am embarrassed for all the actors involved – even little Ella Bleu Travolta – she is going be so embarrassed when she looks back on this. Please don’t go see this movie – I promise you that it will be on my “Worst of 2009” list.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Ron and I have entered a new phase in our “empty-nest-hood.” Our nest has been empty since the Fall of 2006, but this is the first time we ever have been alone on this holiday. Even before we had children, we shared this holiday with family. Our daughters were home at the end of October for our Hallow-giving meal, since we all knew that we wouldn’t be together on Thanksgiving. We knew this day was coming.

Don’t feel sorry for us, though. I’m doing enough of that for us. It’s really not a BIG deal, I guess. It’s just another day. And it’s not that we didn’t receive invitations to go elsewhere, (Thanks, Deb and Kubby!) I’m not sure that I would have been very good company because I don’t know how I will feel tomorrow. So we are going to go to a local restaurant and then spend the rest of the day at the movie theater.

This didn’t all hit me until the girls started calling me for recipes last night and this morning. They will be spending the holiday with the families of their significant others and will be contributing to their meals. I’m glad they will have something to take with them.

At Thanksgiving it is a Beeson Family tradition to go around the table before we eat our meal and tell each other what we are thankful for that year. Everyone says something profound and touching and then we get to Dad who will say something funny to lighten the mood. I am usually the last to speak and almost always get choked up and have to clear my throat and dab my eyes. Then we have a toast and dig in. Since we won’t all be seated around the table tomorrow I will use this moment to say what I am thankful for this year –

I am thankful that Ron and I are both gainfully employed. REALLY thankful for my new job!

I am thankful for friends old and new and family who accept me for the cuckoo I am. You know who you are!

I am thankful for my brilliant, beautiful (inside and out) children who are out there making a difference in the world. I am grateful that they are with good people that really seem to appreciate and love them. I am so thankful that they still like to come home. I really am thankful for my webcam and Skype and all the technology that allows me to stay in touch with my girls.

I am thankful for my Baby Hurricane and all the joy and laughter he brings to our lives.

Most of all, I am thankful for my husband and best friend who has loved and supported me through more drama, ups and downs than a guy should have to deal with in a lifetime! We have a good life and really nothing to complain about...

Yes, I am thankful!

Monday, November 23, 2009


You may have noticed that I’m not posting as often as I did last month – having difficulty accessing my blog dashboard from home. It’s incredibly frustrating, but hopefully with the 4 day weekend ahead, my I.T. guy (Ron) will have a chance to sort things out. So until we do, I will continue to post to my notes on Facebook. I’ve had to do this with my movie reviews – if you go to you will notice that there are no recent movie reviews posted there.

I love everything about technology except how smart you have to be to use it!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

So I'm not Julia Child

Halloween weekend all the girls came home and we had our Hallow-giving. I was so excited to have my family home, but I got a little stressed out about what food to have in the house for them and what I would cook for the big meal especially since Mandi & Beckie are vegetarians. The thing is I am not a great cook and I don’t know why because I love to eat!

I come from a background of excellent cooks – my mom and at least two of her sisters are amazing cooks. My dad’s mother was a wonderful cook. My cousins, the Fearsome Four (I am one of the 4) are all GREAT cooks and at least one of them is a “Foodie.” My younger sister loves to cook and experiment with new recipes. They are all such great cooks that I have major insecurities about cooking for them. When people visit, we go out to eat a lot.

For me, cooking is a chore. I don’t love it. Don’t get me wrong – I can cook and Ron and the girls didn’t starve. I am ok doing the basics – I’ve just never gotten a thrill out of cooking. Planning meals, shopping for groceries, cooking and cleaning – you can have it! I have to say that I am very lucky to have married a man whose mother wasn’t much of a cook herself. The first time I made mashed potatoes for Ron, he looked at me as though I was a genius! Personally, I didn’t know that you could make mashed potatoes from a box. I can at least thank mom-in-law for that. Well, that and teaching me how to make sausage gravy and biscuits – it’s one of the few things she does well and it’s now one of my specialties! It's Baby Hurricane's favorite!

So even though I’m no Julia Child, when all was said and done and cooked and eaten, I did a respectable job preparing our Hallow-giving feast. We had turkey seasoned with rosemary, sage and lemon, spinach tortellini with olive oil, asparagus, sun dried tomatoes, Spanish olives and parmesan, green beans, sweet potatoes, roasted red potatoes seasoned with Italian herbs and more parmesan. Everything was made from scratch except for the dinner rolls and pies. Everyone ate well and seemed to be happy with the meal. Not too bad for a non-gourmet, non-foodie type of person!

And believe it or not, I actually had a good time preparing it! Go figure!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Hardest Job You'll Ever Love

Re-posted - sorry if you've already read this one...

Last week we had a baby shower for a friend at work who is nearing her big day. Many of us who are moms at the office have children that are almost grown and some of us have adult children. Watching her baby belly grow has made me nostalgic for my own pregnancies and the days when my babies were born. We’ve all been sharing our own delivery stories at work and I’m hoping we haven’t scared her! We are all only too happy to talk about how our own experiences without thinking about how this might frighten this first time mother. Most everyone focuses on how hard the delivery is… “my labor lasted 14 hours and then I had to have a C-section anyway!” “My wife was in labor for over 20 hours, the doctor waited too long to give the epidural and so it didn’t help!” Poor thing hears stories like this every time the subject comes up, and given how she’s blossomed lately – it’s a lot!

I guess it’s a rite of passage we have to go through because I remember people doing the same to me. As soon as people found out that I was having twins, they would tell me about their daughter who was pregnant with twins but went into labor early so the babies didn’t survive or another woman whose sister had boy and girl twins but the boy didn’t survive. These people were obviously still in pain about what had happened to them so I tried not to hold it against them for scaring me and making me worry about what might happen.

What I don’t hear people telling this soon-to-be mama is how hard it is being a parent beyond the delivery. As far as I know, no one has told her about how you spend the first 18 years of your child’s life protecting and teaching him only to then let him go off on his own so that he can learn how to be an adult. My mother would say things to me like “no matter how old you get, you’ll always be my baby.” I would roll my eyes and say ”I know, Mom.” But I didn’t know then. I know now. No matter how old your children get, you NEVER stop worrying about them or trying to protect them. We made it through teething and temper tantrums, chicken pox and broken bones, science projects and overdue homework. All that was a piece of cake compared to what they grapple with as young adults. You raise your children to be independent, responsible people, but when they face adult dilemmas - you just want to fix everything for them. The hard part is that you can’t.

Ron and I admittedly spoiled our girls. For my part, I wanted to give them everything I didn’t have as a child. Daddy just didn’t like to say “no.” We wanted to make things as easy as possible for them. I don’t know if that was right or wrong but it’s what we did. Personally, I think they have all grown into amazing human beings. It goes without saying that I love my daughters, but I can also honestly say that I really LIKE them as well. Each of our daughters is a well adjusted, reasonable human being with political and global awareness and a social conscience. Unfortunately, they are not immune to the woes of adulthood and the horrible things that can happen in the world. Nor can I protect them from broken hearts or the personal trials and tragedies they may someday face. I can offer advice and help them make sound decisions, but then I have to close my mouth and let them decide. That can be painfully difficult. Letting go is just so hard for me on so many levels.

So, to my darling daughters (who are adults but who will always be my babies no matter how old they get), remember that Dad and I are here for you to help anyway we can for whatever you may need....always!

And to my friend who is about to start a new chapter in her life, I hope we haven't frightened you. This is the most exciting time in your life - enjoy every moment and remember that the rewards of parenthood far outweigh the demands.

Movie Review - was on Monday

Having issues creating new posts at home - reposting from another computer. Want to keep all my posts together so I'm re-posting this...

Something is wrong with so I'm going straight to writing a note for this review. Ron and I saw 3 movies over the weekend - The Men Who Stare at Goats, Imagine That and The Taking of Pelham 123. I wanted to see "The Men Who Stare at Goats" because it looked clever and funny, but once again, most of the good, funny stuff was given away in the previews. It's a weird, quirky little movie and I think it's a good thing that George Clooney is so good looking - it makes it a little easier to forgive him when he makes a movie like this one. Well, that and the fact that most of his movies are usually pretty intelligent. I don't know...I don't think I recommend this movie at all - even when it comes out on DVD.

On Saturday we spent most of the day in our pj's but we still saw a couple of movies on pay per view. First we saw "Imagine That" with Eddie Murphy and the cutest little actress named Yara Shahidi. What ever happened to Eddie Murphy anyway? I guess this movie would be good for little 6 & 7 year old girls - no one else would have been able to sit through this movie in the theater. Skip it.

Finally, we watched "The Taking of Pelham 123" with John Travolta as the bad guy and Denzel Washington as the good guy. I liked it! I kept trying to get Ron to see this one while it was in the theaters, but for some reason he just wasn't interested. He liked it, though. John Travolta is excellent at playing a bad guy - remember "Face Off" ? Loved it. So, there's some shooting and blood, but if you put your hands over your eyes it's over before you know it.

Can't wait to see "2012" this week!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


It's been over a week since my last post. There has been so much going on around the Old Beeson Homestead and something(s) had to give. Happily, I gave up the pretense of keeping the house straightened up when the kids came home - they really don't care and are quite the mess makers themselves! What I did miss was writing, but I was far too exhausted to mind that much. Besides, when I am that tired, my creativity is all gone.

The important thing is that my girls were all home! Not only did they bring their significant others with them, but they also brought their own particular kinds of messes, laughter and noise. Even their arguing was music to my ears! I think I have finally resigned myself to the fact that these daughters of mine have very distinct personalities and will rarely agree on anything.

Since Jenn won't be able to come back to CA at the traditional Thanksgiving time, she decided to talk her sisters into having our Thanksgiving meal at Halloween. I'm grateful that they agreed, because we had Thanksgiving without her last year and it was difficult. So, we had a very happy Hallow-giving with enough vegetarian faire for Mandi & Beckie and regular food for the rest of us. Besides that, the girls got to take Baby Hurricane trick or treating in his AWESOME astronaut costume! It was all great fun.

The girls are all back at their respective homes in DC and Santa Barbara and I'm left with an empty nest again. It's ok, though. I've got plenty to do keep busy and I have to rest up for their next visit or my next adventure.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

TIVO, please!!!

It's a guilty pleasure night so this will be short and sweet! So You Think You Can Dance begins tonight and then later Dancing With the Stars Results Show will be on. My dilemma - these shows will overlap for one hour. This means Ron is going to be flipping back and forth with the remote and driving me crazy because we will miss something important on one show or the other...I REALLY NEED A DVR!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Theatre and Movie Review Monday

I took this photo on the sly with my cell phone camera when we went to see Wicked last Wednesday. I haven’t had the chance to write about it yet. It was the one bright spot in an otherwise crummy week, but I'm not going to dwell on the crummy part. I had this show before with Jennie, but Ron had never seen it - there was a special on tickets so we went. It’s an interesting spin on the Wizard of Oz and what happened that led up to the Wicked Witch of the West getting melted by a bucket of water. It’s a fun musical – my favorite songs are "Defying Gravity" and "Popular." It's not Les Miserables or even Phantom of the Opera, but it's fun stuff.

Otherwise we did go to the movies on Saturday. Since Ron went with me to see Where the Wild Things Are last week, I thought it was only fair to let him pick the movie this past weekend. Guess what we saw…yes, we went to see Couples Retreat. It was not as bad as I thought it would be - but still it wasn’t great. The characters were all over-the-top caricatures of 4 different married couples. The scene with the yoga instructor was really uncomfortable for me and I could have done without it completely. I'm not a prude or a snob it was just NOT FUNNY! It was not an authentic portrayal of real life or marriage. This movie couldn’t decide if it wanted to say something serious about marriage or if it wanted to be a silly comedy (and really not that funny). All the problems that the couples had were magically resolved by the end of the movie just like in real life – right? WRONG! My recommendation - save yourself $10 and Skip it.

I did watch one of my favorite movies again the other night – Sense and Sensibility. LOVE LOVE LOVE Emma Thompson, Kate Winslett and Hugh Grant in this. I recommend it highly if you enjoy a good romance and if you like period films. It’s just a lovely movie.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Re-feathering the nest

I've changed the sheets on their beds and fluffed their I'm just waiting for my chicks to come home.

Jenn is here and now I'm waiting for Mandi & Beckie! We are going to have our Beeson Thanksgiving on Halloween! Significant others are coming, too! Sounds like a perfect time for a family portrait! Please indulge me, Girls!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Everything happens for a reason...right?

I have always been a firm believer in karma, destiny and that everything that happens to us is meant to teach us something. This is not always comforting - especially when bad things happen to good people. Earlier this week, I was present at a very sad occasion - one of the most difficult I've ever witnessed. No one died, but a very vital program was put to rest.

MACSA Adult Day Health Care was established in 1986 to care for frail seniors and disabled adults for the purpose of delaying and preventing premature placement into skilled nursing care facilities, to assist caregivers by offering them respite, and to provide therapeutic and recreational activities to improve and maintain their highest level of functioning. For many of the seniors who attended, it was like a second home to them. When they attended the program they received compassionate care from nurses, therapists, social workers, and activity staff. They received a hot meal at lunch and diet counseling from a registered dietician. For 45 years, the Mexican American Community Services Agency has been committed to improving the quality of life for underserved youth, families and seniors in the Latino community. The agency itself goes on, but the ADHC is no least for now.

This program's last day was October 21, 2009.

The sadness shared by the participants, volunteers and staff was overwhelming. I was invited along with other former employees and volunteers to come say 'good-bye' - a final 'despedida.' One by one, we gave what encouragement we could and expressed our sadness, love and support for those who would no longer have their 'second home' away from home. Everyone tried to be strong, but the tears came anyway. We all shared our memories, a wonderful meal and then it was time to say adios. I left before the final farewells - I'm ashamed to say that I wasn't strong enough. By the time I left there, I felt like I had been hit by a bus...

But this wasn't MY tragedy. What I mean to say is please don't feel badly for ME. Feel badly for all those participants who will find it extremely difficult to find another place to go. There are very few options for them. Sadly, many will end up in nursing homes or will be left at home alone - their safety will be compromised. Families once given respite from caregiving will have few alternatives - some may have to quit a job to care for a loved one. It's all incredibly heartbreaking.

So what's the lesson in this tragedy? It makes no sense to me, so it may be awhile before I can sort out exactly what I was supposed to learn from all this. For now I will hold onto hope that something will happen to turn this around. I will keep the participants in my thoughts and pray that they will be safe and well. I will also send out positive energy to my friends and former co-workers that they will be able to find work in this horrible economy.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Still recovering...

...from one of the most emotionally draining days of my adult life. Not ready to say more than that at this point, but here are some pics I took not too long ago when I found that someone else was taking time to stop and smell MY roses.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Just cute - that's all I have to say about this!
Oh, and I love them!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Max IS King!

Ron has wanted to see Couples Retreat since it opened a couple weeks ago. I was told that that it wasn’t all that, and I’m tired of going to movies where the funniest scenes have already been given away in the trailers. I just didn’t want to see it. So, when he asked me if I wanted to go to the movies yesterday, I asked him if I was going to have to see Where the Wild Things Are by myself. And here is an example of just one of the reasons I love my husband so dearly. With as much enthusiasm as he could muster he said, “No, I’ll see that with you. It does look interesting.” Fifteen minutes into the movie, I heard the deep, even breathing pattern of a man falling asleep…To be fair, Ron never read the book. He’s more a fan of Dr. Seuss, Mercer Mayer and Stan and Jan Berenstein. So, he didn’t ‘get’ Max. Ron wasn’t a Wild Thing of a boy….as a man, well, that’s another story…

Back to the movie – Max was played by the very sweet-looking-but-with-a-mischievous sparkle-in-his-eye young actor, Max Records. He is a beautiful boy and did a lovely job of being wild, but thoughtful as well. The Wild Things were FANTASTIC – a combination fabulous costumes and cg animation – the expressions on the faces of the ‘things’ were so REAL. I do think that this movie isn’t so much for young children – Baby Hurricane is truly a Wild Thing, but I wouldn’t take him to see this, because he’s only 3. It was a bit dark and sometimes sad, but I think that’s exactly the way Maurice Sendak meant it to be and isn’t that the way life is too?

Bottom line - I really think that if you read and loved the book, you will love the movie too.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

This and that and a pumpkin hat!

I checked the weather report for Half Moon Bay this morning – “Cloudy, cool with a high of 64 degrees…” Exactly my kind of day. Perfect weather for the opening of the 39th Annual Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival! Ron and I got up early this morning so that we could head out and beat the traffic…well, that was the plan. It took us an hour and a half to get there. Not too bad.
We have been to Half Moon Bay many times but this was only our second time at the festival. It’s great fun...a parade, artists and vendors selling their art and goods, the great pumpkin weigh off, different bands playing at various stages along Main Street. People watching is my favorite activity at this event. Children of all ages come in costume…newborns in little punkin suits to grannies wearing sequin covered witch hats. My favorite this year was a dad, mom and baby dressed as Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein and Baby Frankenstein. I wasn’t brave enough to wear a costume, but I did buy a really great pumpkin hat!

There are artists and vendors from all over the country – great stuff! My lovely husband bought me my first handblown glass pumpkin (looks like I've started a new collection!). The food is the typical and delicious festival fare, the kind of stuff that you only let yourself enjoy when you are at an arts and crafts festival or renaissance fair – turkey legs, tri-tip sandwiches, corn dogs, roasted corn on the cob, garlic fries, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread and pumpkin ice cream. Yummy!

The only that kept it from being a perfectly wonderful day was the weather. As it turns out, there was hardly a cloud in the sky. It was, in fact, not cool, but hot! Not Arizona hot, but hot enough to make me perspire in my turtleneck, black long sleeved t-shirt, black jeans, scarf and pumpkin hat. When we were driving away from the pumpkin patch (our last stop before we headed back to the East Bay), I noticed that the car thermometer read 81 degrees! No wonder I was sweating! I may even have a little sunburn on my nose. Even so, it was a lovely day…

More nostalgia

Jenn's 1st Halloween -1986 I wasn't brave enough to sew a costume yet but wasn't she cute anyway?

1987-Jenn was the bumble bee to Aunti Lisa's flower-they won 2nd place in a costume contest at Pistol Pete's Pizza Parlor!

1988 - Twins were only 9 months old so who had time to sew?

Mandy Mouse

Becky Bunny

Jenn & Derek - Upon reflection, maybe the costumes should have been reversed!

Friday, October 16, 2009

About a boy...

Three years ago today, I was a witness to the arrival of the beautiful baby boy known here as Baby Hurricane. For those who don’t know the story – a little background. This little boy came into my life just a couple weeks after Ron and I left our youngest daughters for their freshman year in college. I can’t begin to express how difficult it was for me when our girls went to school - Jenn in 2004 and then Mandi & Beckie in 2006. Let me be clear about something…our girls were NEVER given the choice about whether they would go to college or not – they were going! It was part of our parenting mantra to them…”When you go to college...” “When you live in the dorm…” “When you choose your major..." "When you graduate…” Always WHEN – never IF. So, they went. I wanted that for them with all my heart, but I also wanted to have them close by for me. They were all accepted into a great school that happened to be a 5 hour drive away. I still remember those trips back home from Santa Barbara - Ron trying to comfort me as he drove (nothing makes him more upset than seeing me cry). I felt broken. It was as if there was a big hole right in the center of my being.

And then came Viliamu Keopulani Baker-Kline, my precious little Hawaiian-Samoan-Mexican-Irish savior! I had been lucky enough to be at every doctor appointment with his mama while she was carrying him. She always thanked me for going with her as if I was doing her a huge favor. The truth was that she was giving me a gift that I would never be able to repay. I was so thrilled when she asked me to be in the delivery room for his birth. Aside from the births of my own children, watching Viliamu emerge into the world and take his first breath was the most amazing moment of my life. On October 16, 2006, Viliamu was born and I fell completely and helplessly in love. He has been like medicine for me!

Over the last 3 years, we have gotten to have him over on Sundays and for occasional sleepovers. It is such great fun! I must sound like a grandmother or auntie when talking about him, (far too young to be a granny), but he is the most terrific boy I know! He is a beautiful, energetic, loving, energetic, intelligent, energetic, charming, mischievous, and hilariously funny child. Oh and did I mention, energetic? I have found this baby boy to be amazingly different than my girls. I've also determined that "boy" toys are much more fun to play with than are "girl" toys. Now that he's 3 years old, we have really interesting conversations on a wide variety of subjects - he teaches me something new every time I see him. The most surprising thing about this boy is how attached he and his "Buddy" (Ron) are to each other - two peas in a pod. We've even been through the flu together - someday I'll write about the week that we had him when his mom was out of town and all three of us got soooo sick! Maybe that's when Buddy and Baby bonded. All I know is that they "get" each other in a way that I don't - it's got to be a boy thing.

Watching him blow out his #3 candle on his chocolate birthday cake tonight, it occurred to me that I have been there for his birth and every birthday since. I can't imagine not being there for him because he has been there for us. So, thank you, Baby Hurricane, for all the splashing in the bathtub and fingerprints on the sliding glass door and toy cars & trucks all over the floor and sticky kisses and peanut butter & jelly hugs, sidewalk chalk handprints on the walls and all the fun and love and joy that you have brought into our lives. I still miss my girls every day and sometimes, so much that it hurts, but having you in our lives has taken the worst of the "empty" out of our nest.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Viliamu! I love you!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This will probably get me in trouble...

In honor of the upcoming Halloween holiday, I thought I'd start sharing some pictures of my girls through the years. This was #1 daughter's 2nd Halloween, but it was my very first handmade Halloween costume. Pretty cute, huh? This was back when she allowed me to dress her and didn't seem to care what she looked like when I did...that didn't last very long.

My costumes got better as the years went on...we'll see if I'm allowed to share more pictures once the girls get wind of me sharing them here...

Otherwise, it's time for dinner, then So You Think You Can Dance and GLEE!

Until tomorrow....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rainy days and Tuesday...

I love rainy days - when I can stay indoors – when I can keep my pajamas on – when I can sip a cup of hot chocolate – when I can wrap myself up in a fuzzy blanket and watch a romantic comedy – when I don’t have to worry what the humidity is going to do with my unruly mop of thinning curls...but it’s Tuesday and I had to go to work today. Believe me when I tell you that rain and normally chaotic California highways do not mix!

Ron and I commute to work together every day. I’m so lucky to have him taking on the burden and responsibility of the driving. I complain about the way he drives all the time, but as long as I read or work on the laptop…I’m able to stay calm. If I pay attention to the way he drives, I’m clutching the dashboard, hyperventilating and stomping on the non-existent brake on the passenger side of the car. It’s just better for both of us if I don’t watch.

While we drive, we listen to news radio to find out where the problem spots are on the highways and keep up with the latest news. This morning on our way into work reporters said that there 50 accidents reported during this storm. Neither one of us commented on this as we held our breath waiting for traffic to slow down, bog down as we happened upon one of these unfortunate occurrence. I think we were afraid if we said anything about how well our drive was going, we’d jinx it. I am thrilled to report that we arrived at my office in record time even though the rain was coming down steadily.

I am writing this on our way home from work, the rain has slowed considerably but it’s still really wet and the traffic reports are claiming more accidents across the Bay area this afternoon We are more than halfway home and it looks pretty good – no slowing down so far. The bottom line is that we need the rain – California is in a drought. So we should put up with whatever inconvenience comes our way due to the rain. Small price to pay, right?

We just got home and I see a little patch of blue in the corner of the sky! Things are looking up -Besides, it’s time for Dancing with the Stars and my fuzzy jammies!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Movie Review Monday

So, the truth is that we were so busy doing things around the house that we never made it to the theater this weekend. HOWEVER, I did manage to watch 4 movies this weekend on HBO and/or pay per view. These are movies you may have seen before......

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas -I have such mixed feelings about movies like this. Historical movies are so important - especially ones about the Holocaust and other atrocities. It's important that younger generations are taught about what happened and that the rest of us don't forget...This film made me sad because of how horrible people are capable of being to other people. It's hard to say that this was a good movie because of the subject matter. It was well made, well acted and thought provoking - I wouldn't see it again for the same reason I won't see Schindler's List or Saving Private Ryan again - too painful.

I decided to lighten my viewing by getting a p-p-v movie - Adventureland. Starred Kristen Stewart, Jesse Eisenberg and Ryan Reynolds. Now I know why this movie wasn't in the theater very long - so mediocre...don't me.

Next up was Juno with Ellen Page, Michael Cera, Allison Janey (i just love her!), Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman. I know this movie is a couple years old but it deserves another viewing. The dialog is just clever and different and you can't help getting involved with the characters - I love little films like this. Another movie along this same line is Lars and the Real Girl. More great characters.

Last but not least, I watched Marley & Me with Owen Wilson & Jennifer Anniston. Now I have to say that I read the book and it really was better, but the movie was still good. It's all about the dog. If you love doggies, you have to see this - especially if you ever had and loved a naughty doggie. I think these people were amazing.

That's it for tonight - Looking forward to Where the Wild Things Are this weekend. Not sure when we'll see it since it's the Baby Hurricane's birthday on Friday - he's gonna be 3 years old - might be time to start calling him the Toddler Tornado!

Signing off - it's time for Dancing With the Stars!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lovely day

I was strolling down University Avenue in Palo Alto early on Thursday evening and saw this movie marquis at the Stanford was a sign in more than one way! I truly believe that when the universe talks to you - you should pay attention! I don't think this could have been any clearer.

I tried to sleep in this morning - really I did, but Ron was up early to shower and head off for his day of golf. Once he left at 6 am, I couldn't get back to sleep. My mind wouldn't quit listing all the things I could do with a big chunk of the day all to myself. I learned long ago, that if I start making lists while I'm still lying in bed that I might as well get up and start doing something so that I can cross things off. Maybe I would take a nap later. So here's how the day went...
#1) Made coffee. #2) Started a load of laundry. #3) Drank coffee while watching a movie, "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas," (review later) and sorted clothes for ironing. #4) Vacuumed downstairs and put all the shoes back on the shoe rack in the garage (we have a shoeless house). #5) Had another cup of coffee, put the clothes in the dryer and arranged the pumpkins we bought last weekend. Pulled out some Halloween decorations. #6) Cleaned bathrooms. #7) Had another cup of coffee and ordered "Adventureland" on pay per view...ironed Ron's shirts while watching mediocre movie (review later). #8) Started working on a photo project for my old friends - had one more cup of coffee. #9) "Juno" came on while I was loading the dishwasher and cleaning the kitchen - watched it while straightening up the Hurricane's toy area. Ate a can of Spaghetti-o's with meatballs - yuck! #10) Called my brother and had a great chat!#11) Somewhere in this sequence, I did shower.... #12) Hit the road to do some shopping for some odds and ends - Dollar Tree, Goodwill Store, Michael's, Ross, Old Navy, Bed, Bath and Beyond and Safeway. #13) Came home and found Ron napping, fixed him some dinner and woke him up.

OK, so I didn't get "The Big Sleep" that the universe was telling me to get, but I had a wonderful day all to myself and got several things crossed off my "to do" list. Besides that, it was the loveliest of fall days and I got to be out in the coolish air for a bit as I hustled here and there. No, I didn't sleep in or rest, but I spent the day doing what I wanted to do and answered only to myself. I think that was just as satisfying. Besides, it's only Saturday night and I can sleep in tomorrow. Wait, did I take that load of clothes out of the dryer....

Friday, October 9, 2009

Who needs a superhero....

We just got home from work and my husband went off to the driving range. Years ago when he was first bitten by the golf bug, I would have been really upset by this. For awhile he was absolutely obsessed about golf - watched golf on TV, read golf magazines, practiced his swing with an imaginary club in front of the tv while watching tournaments....OBSESSED!

To this very day, I don't get it. Playing 18 holes of golf can take anywhere from 4 to 6 hours out of a day. Now, you should really warm up before you start playing so add another hour. To reach the nice golf courses that aren't right around the corner could take another hour or more to get there and it's always better to start early in the day. So maybe you get up at 5 am ON A WEEKEND...ON PURPOSE!! At the end of the round, the guys are usually pretty hungry, so you gotta stop for lunch at the clubhouse and talk about how great/awful you played...then you gotta drive back home. Forget 4 to 6 hours, sometimes it's an all day proposition sometimes.

I used to resent the fact that Ron would rather spend the day hitting and chasing a little white ball around a golf course all day than to be with me 24/7. I was jealous of those golf clubs...What I failed to acknowledge at the time was that this was his stress relief, his hobby and yes, his obsession. While he was on those beautiful green courses, he was getting some exercise while NOT thinking about work or anything that might be bothering him. He doesn't fool around, drink or gamble. Besides having an opinion about EVERYTHING, telling really awful jokes at inappropriate times (or really inappropriate jokes at awful times) and hogging the remote, he really is a great guy. I'm ashamed of myself for ever having given him a hard time about playing golf and the enjoyment that he got of it.

My husband is a hardworking man who has really been taking care of me since we were 17 years old. He has always put my needs before his own. He's a good dad to our daughters, even though he struggles to be open to them and let them see his vulnerable side. He's a patient teacher to all of us. Yes, he has occasional explosions, but never when or why you'd think he would have them. Case in point - all our cars have been scraped, dinged and even had pieces knocked off of them thanks to our daughters - he's never yelled at them about the damage to any of the cars. For the 10 years that my mom lived with us he was the lone guy living in a house with 5 women and our 2 female dogs! Incredibly, he didn't lose his mind thanks, in part, to golf!

Now that the girls are all gone, you'd think he'd be on the golf course all the time. The truth is that I don't remember the last time he went and played. On the weekends, he pays the bills, does chores around the house (recently, he replaced our disposal - ALL BY HIMSELF!), takes me to the movies, and is the best Buddy in the world to a sweet 3 year old Baby Hurricane. He will drop everything to drive down to Santa Barbara if the girls need us for the smallest reason. And whenever we are there with them, he always makes sure that the car is in good running order and that they have everything they need.

I think he's earned some time on his beautiful green golf course, cussin' with his buddies. I wish he would do it more often - it's good for him. After long days at work, always taking care of his family and loved ones, Superman deserves a break!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

24 hours away...

The weekend is almost here again...what sweet relief! I need some sleep.

Ron spent HOURS today ridding our computer of some evil virus - the prognosis is good and it looks like I'll be back in business until then - Sweet dreams!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Guilty Pleasures...

It's official - Ron and I are becoming old fogeys! We have reached that interesting time of life at which we get home from work and put on our pj's. After that, it's all about what's on TV that night. We have a schedule.

Monday - Dancing With the Stars and Monday Night Football (Ron does that obnoxious switching back and forth between programs at the commercials and we invariably miss something good!)

Tuesday - Dancing with the Stars - results show - gotta know who gets kicked off, right?

Wednesday - Bonus night! - So You Think You Can Dance and GLEE!!

Thursday - another big night - Project Runway, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice!

Friday - Ghost Whisperer, Medium and NUMB3RS

Saturday is movie day. Well, actually, right now it's college football day!

Sunday - NFL games, 60 Minutes, Extreme Home Makeover and Brothers & Sisters!

Whenever an opportunity to do something different on one of these nights, I am ashamed to say that we stop and consider what we might be missing on TV! We are such creatures of habit , but there is something really comforting about putting on my fuzzy jammies and snuggling on the couch while we watch "OUR SHOWS." I nag him at least once a week to look into getting us a DVR or TIVO. Maybe we'll get this accomplished before American Idol starts again!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

...old friend....

Just so you know...I so admire your unyielding dedication. In the face of adversity, you are strong, determined and committed. I feel so fortunate to count you among my friends. I am proud of you and inspired by you....and, Girlfriend, I love you!

Monday, October 5, 2009

monday monday....

I'm tired tonight. Still recovering from a day at the pumpkin patch with the Baby Hurricane.You've probably read this before, but just in case you haven't, I wanted to share it. It's called "I will not die an unlived life," by poet and author Dawna Markova. It's a wonderful message...

I will not die an unlived life.

I will not live in fear

of falling or catching fire.

I choose to inhabit my days,

to allow my living to open me,

to make me less afraid,

more accessible,

to loosen my heart

until it becomes a wing,

a touch a promise.

I choose to risk my significance

to live so that which came to me as seed

goes to the next as blossom,

and that which came to me as blossom

goes on as fruit.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Let's go to the movies...

I don't claim to have any credentials for writing movie reviews. I'm just an average gal with an unhealthy obsession. I started writing my reviews on facebook back in February as a way to let the girls know what their dad and I were doing. As busy as I’ve been lately, I haven’t had a chance to write any reviews for the last three weeks or so. I’ll just give you a brief word or two on the last few movies we’ve seen to bring myself up to date…

The Informant – I’m just not a big Matt Damon fan. Yes, he was in the Bourne movies, but for some reason, I haven’t been able to stay awake for the duration of even one of them! Ron loves those movies! “The Informant” was based on a true story – I like true stories, but lately I wonder how much the writers added or subtracted from actual events to make a film more marketable. At the end of it, I wished that we had gone to see something else.

Whip It – Saw the sneak preview with #2 and #3 while we were in Santa Barbara with them last weekend. LOVED IT! It’s all about GIRL POWER and self determination and doing what you love. Ellen Page is really gifted at giving an understated performance. She’s clever and sarcastic, but not offensive. Very witty. It wasn’t a perfect movie. I squirmed about her relationship with the older guy (he didn’t know she was underage).Otherwise, the skating was fast and fun and exciting. Drew Barrymore was a riot and Juliette Lewis did a great job of making me dislike her. FUN MOVIE!

Fame – There are some truly talented young actors, singers and dancers in this one, but all in all it was greatly disappointing. The musical numbers were great but there were very few of them – not enough to save this virtually plot-less flick. The highlight of the whole thing was when the character “Denise” sang “Out Here on My Own.” She was amazing. There was just not enough time in the movie to cover 7 or 8 main characters through 4 years of high school. Disappointing….

You probably won't get a review of "Inglorious Bastards" or "9" or "District 9" here. My movie buddy isn't interested in any of those films and I don't like to go by myself. Really looking forward to "The Blind Side" with Sandra Bullock and "New Moon" next month.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


It’s the weekend and I was really hoping to sleep in - it’s funny but the older I get, the earlier I wake up. What happened to the days that I could sleep til 9 or 10 and then only wake up because I was hungry? Oh yeah, I had children! Then my body got used to the routine of getting up and getting on with the day. During the work week I’m up at 5:30 so I guess the fact that it’s 7:30 and I’m still sitting in bed could be considered a success. Anyway, it’s the weekend and I have endless possibilities open to me. What shall I do?

1. Clean house? Really don’t want to but there’s a certain amount that HAS to be done – maybe a load or two of laundry…
2. Read a book? That’s way too frivolous with so many things to do, although I do have a pile of unread books on my nightstand…
3. Watch college football games with Ron all day? I’m sure he’d love that but I’m not interested in being a lump on the couch today…
4. Go to the BBQ like I said we would? Hmmm…I’m sure we’ll be forgiven if we don’t...
5. Go to the movies? You know how I love the movies – that may be the only thing that get’s Ron away from the TV…
6. Maybe I’ll actually use the sewing machine today – lots of pending projects…

Well, whatever I (we) decide to do, I’m going to make the most of it. Tomorrow we get the Baby Hurricane all to ourselves and he will be the one who decides! I’ll let you know how it all turns out!

Friday, October 2, 2009

"Make new friends, but keep the old...."

I work in the non-profit sector. It’s challenging in many ways, but I can’t imagine doing anything else. I have recently gone through a major change in my professional career. Without going into specifics, I will just say that I went from having an enormous amount of responsibility in an administrative position at one agency to returning to direct services with considerably less responsibility at another agency. It was a change in job titles, but more importantly, stress level. In almost every way I can think of, the change has been the best thing in the world for me. I have really fallen for my new job, the agency and my new co-workers and friends – in fact, I regularly compare to whole experience to falling into a pot of honey. I find myself exhausted at the end of the work day, but mostly in a good way.

When this new opportunity came my way, I struggled with equal parts of excitement and dread. The excitement was all about getting back to what I loved and starting over someplace new. The hardest thing about the entire situation, the dread, had to do with leaving behind staff, co-workers, friends and the people that we served. HUGE AMOUNTS OF GUILT. I still feel that guilt. Not only that, but I miss them. I don’t call them like I should or even email them because it feels awkward. On some level, I feel I deserted them. Hopefully, time will take care of that.

The bottom line is that I don’t think I was cut out for primarily administrative work. I’m much happier now that I’m back working one on one with people. I get to play at work again – it means so much to me. Ron doesn’t get that worried look on his face when he asks me how my day was. When my daughters call me and ask how I am, I can honestly answer, “Great!” I look forward to going to work every day. Generally, I’m in much better spirits, my blood pressure is closer to normal, I’m sleeping better, and enjoying the weekends again. It’s so good. It’s hard to admit that I was selfish and did what I needed to do for ME . . . I just hope that I haven’t lost my old friends in the process…

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Last roses of the season....

Got home after another busy and exhausting day at work and this was waiting for me in the front yard.... I stopped and smelled the roses!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Finally feels like Fall...

Today was one of those days that I didn’t get much of anything done… It’s not that I wasn’t busy, I hardly had a moment to sit down. In fact, I felt like I had one foot nailed to the floor and I was spinning in circles trying to get things done! Multi-task? HA! Every time I thought I might get to something on my long list of things to do, another situation would crop up to foil my best intentions. Well, tomorrow is another day…

At least it finally feels like fall at last. September 21st was officially the first day of autumn – it was also Hot, Hot, Hot here that day. Not Arizona hot, but hot for our usually lovely, temperate northern California. For me, yesterday was the first real day of fall. A bit overcast, temps only up to the mid 60’s. Absolutely perfect! Tomorrow is October 1st! Prime pumpkin time! Can't wait to take Baby Hurricane to the pumpkin patch again this year...and then it's time to Trick or Trick! Did I mention that this is my favorite time of year?!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dust is a protective covering for furniture...

I am not much of a housekeeper. Before my children were born, it wasn’t an issue. It was easy to keep our small apartment clean – there were just the two of us. As a newlywed, I would grumble about the fact that Ron couldn’t get his socks in the hamper to save his life, but all in all, we led a fairly tidy existence.

When baby #1 came along, I exhausted myself trying to keep everything sanitary and pristine for my precious child. She, in turn, picked up things off the floor and put everything in her mouth…But still, I would wear myself out and become cranky even when Ron told me to “leave it.” I felt guilty leaving a dirty dish in the sink or a pile of clean clothes unfolded. The toys had to be put way before we went to bed. But why?

This dates back to my childhood. The nicest way I can put this is that my mother was an absolute “neat freak.” Mom was a registered nurse whose preferred work shift was 3pm – 11pm. This left the majority of housecleaning to me and my sister (3 years younger). Sis was completely disinterested in helping me keep the house clean to Mom’s standards. What really sucked is that if Mom got home at 11:45 pm or later and saw that anything was out of place or a dirty dish in the sink, she would wake us up to take care of whatever had been left undone. I began a nightly ritual of straightening up a room, turning off the lights, turning the lights back on to pretend that I was her as I looked to see what was out of place. Can you imagine? I would beg Sis to please clean up in an effort to help her from being yanked out of bed in the middle of the night. Not one of my better childhood memories.

But back to my housekeeping practices…once babies #2 & #3 came along, I was done for. Even though I didn’t work outside the home, I just couldn’t keep up with the laundry, diapers, dishes, toys…but you know what? It was ok. Nobody died or contracted the bubonic plague. There was a point that I realized that I didn’t want my girls to remember that I would rather do laundry, vacuum or dust than sit down with them and read them a story.

My mother lived with us for about 10 years from the time #1 daughter was 4 years old. She had a difficult time letting go of the idea that the house looked “lived in.” We disagreed for years about dishes left in the sink, toys not being put away, bathrooms left untidy…It wasn’t until a rather heated quarrel with her one day that I told her that I didn’t want my girls to remember that all I did when they were little was clean house or yell at them to straighten up. I wanted them to remember that I sat down with them and read them a story or took them for a walk. Mom finally got what I was saying. Soon after that I found a poem that I shared with her. The last stanza follows –

The cleaning and scrubbing
Will wait til tomorrow,
For children grow up,
I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs.
Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep…
~Author Unknown ~

As the girls got older, I still didn’t want to nag them about the house. I didn’t want to but sometimes I couldn’t help it. Eventually, I learned to compromise with them… "Keep your door closed so I don’t have to see what it looks like in there...” Which worked until I HAD to go in their rooms for one reason or another…oh well.

It’s been 3 years since my twins left for college. One of the few benefits of having an empty nest is that the chicks aren’t there to make any messes. When you clean house it stays clean….in theory, at least….

The same year that the twins left for college, a dear friend gave birth to a beautiful baby boy (turning 3 years old in a couple weeks). I will hereafter refer to him as Baby Hurricane. Since the girls are nowhere near making us grandparents (this is a good thing), Baby Hurricane cures my baby fever by spending many Sundays and an occasional sleepover at Casa Beeson. He’s good medicine for us old folks! Anyway, there are toys in the house again…brightly colored wooden blocks that really hurt when you step on them, nerf balls, bouncey balls, wiffle balls, toy cars and trucks, story books, crayons and color books, stuffed animals, sidewalk chalk, even a sandbox in the backyard. Toys are everywhere along with the mess that accompanies a Baby Hurricane! Would I rather have a clean house? Not by a long shot….remember, babies don’t keep….

Monday, September 28, 2009

Time flies...

"There aren’t enough hours in a day…"


For awhile I collected clocks. Wall clocks, desk clocks, old pocket watches, even a lead crystal hourglass. As if by owning all these timepieces I could somehow own time and control how quickly my life was slipping away. Ridiculous. I have begun to give away some of these clocks and what remains is a constant reminder of just how silly I can be.

When I was a young girl, all I wanted was to be a mother. I didn’t so much yearn for a boyfriend, a husband or a soul mate…I just wanted a baby. More specifically, I wanted a baby girl. It wasn’t as though as the oldest child of 4 siblings, I didn’t already have the responsibilities of motherhood. I certainly did. And it wasn’t just that by having a child of my own I could right all the wrongs that had been done to me. Yes, that was part of it, too. I knew that a daughter would be my friend. She would know and understand me and in doing so, she would fill my loneliness. What an impossible responsibility for a baby girl.

But back to time. Why is it that when I got everything I wanted (times 3), did I begin to count the days until it would be over? I have always done that. As soon as my girls were born, I began to worry about the day they would leave me. At times, the sadness and panic about this inevitability would take such a grip on me that it would steal away the joy out of an ordinary day. In later years, I would allow my daughters to see the fear and sadness and it would steal their joy as well. There is no excuse for that. I hope they will forgive me someday.

After spending the weekend with two of the three most amazing human beings in the world, I just feel grateful. Although I do miss having my girls (#1 would remind me here that they are all grown women now) with me on a daily basis, I am really going to do my best not to worry and hurry the future anymore. I’m going to enjoy every minute of our visits, phone calls, skype chats, texts and emails…because I’ve got nothing but time…..

Sunday, September 27, 2009


We are driving back to San Leandro after spending a quick weekend with 2/3 of our offspring. Daughter #3 (the writer) is convinced that I should start a blog. I’ve been trying to convince her to do the same thing for a couple years. Says she won’t do it unless I do……I want to, but I don’t have the time…who would read it…why would anyone care about what I have to say? I guess that I could ramble about things that I care about…that’s what bloggers do, right?…OK, #3, I’ll try it. Don’t promise that I’ll be any good at it at all or that you’ll like what I have to say, but here it goes.

Where to start? The basics...

Name – Laura
Age – 47 (how did I get to be so old?!)
Married to Ron, the CPA, for 26 years (together for 30 total!) He’s 47, too
Children – 3 daughters (#1 is 23 years old, living & working in DC, #2 is 21 years old, is a senior in college majoring in Environmental Studies and contemplating physical therapy as a career, and #3, the writer, is also 21, a senior in college majoring in comparative literature. Will have to get permission from them to include any more information about them before I get myself in trouble - I've learned from my mistakes!
Oh, and I live in the East Bay in California aka Mars!

The title of this blog is a work in progress. I don't want it to sound negative – I’ve been advised that when I update my status on facebook (yes, I’m a modern mom with a facebook account!) that I have a tendency to post negative comments.

So, there it is - my first blog post. Nothing fancy or profound, but a start. Right, #3?