Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

I am 49 years old today - just 365 days away from the big 5 - 0 and a big red hat with purple feathers on it. I think I'm handling the immensity of the day with composure and grace. Actually, the fact that I work with older adults helps me to keep everything in perspective. Most of the people I work with are in their 80's and several are in their 90's. I have absolutely nothing to complain about.

My birthday weekend was very nice. It started on Friday morning with birthday wishes, flowers and brownies from my girlies. At work there were more birthday wishes, a balloon and a yummy caramel chocolate cake. After work, my Hunka Hunka Burnin' Luv aka Ron, picked me up to take me to dinner at the Texas Roadhouse for my favorite pulled pork dinner - mmmmm - mmmmm. Saturday we went to San Fran, shopped, ate and saw a movie. Today, my actual birthday, I slept in and was pampered for one more day - more eating out, more shopping and another movie. All weekend long I received phone calls, texts and messages on facebook from family and friends. Not only that, but I got a big hug from my favorite 4 year old. It was a lovely weekend and I am truly blessed. Thanks to everyone who took time to wish me a happy day - I love you all.

By the way, I did see 2 movies this weekend. We saw Hanna yesterday. Very interesting. It was more violent than I am comfortable with, but it wasn't too gooey. Saoirse Ronan was very good in this role. I can't really give you any more than that because anything I say would give away important plot points - I do recommend this movie but feel that there was quite a bit of back story lacking - they could have done so much more with this story. Cate Blanchett was almost the weak link here - not my favorite role for her - but she is very unlikeable in this anyway.

We also saw Source Code. I went into this movie knowing only that Jake Gyllenhaal was in it. I REALLY enjoyed this one. I know that the science in this movie was impossible, but what if.... Anyway, it was GOOD. You have to pay attention, but it's worth it.

So, it was a good birthday and a good movie weekend. I am a lucky girl!

1 comment:

Don Meyer said...

Well, for Heavenly Days! Happy Birthday!
That was quite a weekend you had. Congratulations!