Saturday, May 19, 2012

busy weekend

I really shouldn't even be taking the time to write and post this today. I have a lot to do...What's the big deal, you may ask? Well, another one of my chicks is flying home tomorrow! Gotta spruce up her room and go to the grocery store to get some vegetarian goodies (she's strictly a herbivore like her twin).

Mandi has been in NYC since September enjoying the Big Apple and all it has to offer. I'm so glad that she was able to have such a great experience before she buckles down for grad school. She will begin the next phase of her adventures at UCSF early next month and will be tied up with that for the next 3 years! At the end of it, though, she will be a physical therapist!

So, until she finds a suitable place to live in the city, she will be bunking with us and our nest will not be quite so empty. Can you tell that I'm smiling?