Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Date with The Avengers

Hooray for Hollywood! The season of summer blockbusters has arrived! Ron and I stood in line to get tickets and then in line to get into the theater. It is great fun to be around people that are about to see a movie they have waiting for for a long time. There were little boys wearing Avenger t-shirts and others with Captain America shields. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation...

And then the movie started! Like any other movie about comic book super heroes, you have to expect there will be a certain Velveeta factor aka cheesy-ness aka cornball quotient. That's really part of the charm of this kind of movie. So much of the dialogue is said tongue in cheek. It is so much fun! Makes me wish I was one of those kids that had read and collected comic books.

Joss Whedon did a fantastic job directing. I wish I could say that he stayed true to the characters, but I don't know. The Hulk is the only DC character I knew before the recent movies started coming out. As a matter of fact, Hulk was my favorite part of the movie. The other characters are Nick Fury, Black Widow, Thor and Loki, Captain America and Iron Man. Before becoming a team, they had to fight with each other and that was fun, too!

The action was fast-paced and exciting. There was violence but no gore - yay for me! The movie was almost 2 1/2 hours long but seemed to go by quickly. When is the last time you went to a movie, and the audience applauded when it was over? That's the kind of movie this was. We saw it in 3D but I think it would have been just as good in regular D. I'm a big kid when it comes to this type of movie. Loved it! Hey, did you know that Spiderman is coming out soon?!

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