Saturday, May 26, 2012

why blog?

Every once in a while I get self-conscious about my writing. I mean, really…why should anyone care what I have to say about anything? Anyone with a computer can blog. It’s self-indulgent, I admit. In my defense, I write something and I put it out there. I don’t ask anyone to read it. Well, that’s not entirely true – when I write about Ron or the girls, I sometimes ask them to read and approve it before I post it. I don’t want to get in trouble with them. Beckie, the writer, is the only one that reads what I write on a regular basis and that’s just fine.

In general, I don’t write anything terribly controversial. I won’t ever write anything that I wouldn’t say out loud in a room full of people. I don’t write about politics, religion or sex because someone once told me that it’s not polite to discuss those things in mixed company. I like to go to the movies so I write my reviews even though I have absolutely no credentials to do so.

My blogs are online journals. Besides movie reviews, Tales from an (Almost) Empty Nest contains entries about my family and/or things that happen to me and/or what I think about them. I’ve been posting entries to this blog since 2009. I wish I had started earlier. In a way, blogging is therapeutic for me.

Recently, I started a new blog in March of this year to keep track of my experiences and progress with a new treatment I am undergoing. I felt that it might also be helpful to other people going through the treatment. I wanted to keep it separate from Tales because I didn’t want to inflict my treatment stories on someone who might be looking to read my latest movie review. Maybe someday I will merge the two blogs – maybe not.

Blogging is a great hobby. Beckie thinks that I should be working on my memoir. For Mother’s Day she gave me a book to give me pointers on how to write my memoir and a journal to write it in. I don’t think I’m ready for that yet. In the meantime, I will keep practicing here. If you happen to stumble across my blog and like what I write – I’m glad. If you don’t like it, that’s ok, too. What I write is for me and for my girls but I’m happy to share it with anyone who takes the time to read it. Besides, my blogs may be the closest I ever get to writing a memoir…